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VideoPad V10.84 leaves cache folder full and is using 100GB of my SSD


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Note that every time you load a project, VP gets the data first from the vpj file which refers it to the data held in the cache, so the project loads faster. The vpj file does however hold details of the cache contents and if these are missing it would take time to find and regenerate them.

If the cache was to be automatically emptied every time you stopped work on the project, there would be a delay every time you restarted work whilst VP refilled the cache.

The caveat here is that if you have completed numerous projects that you don't need to go back to, the cache can contain a lot of unnecessary files which can slow things down. 

If you have a project loaded then use OPTIONS | DISK/ Clean Unused Cache Files. as Borate suggests, to remove all these unwanted files leaving just the ones that you have loaded for your current project.


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  • 2 months later...

I had the same problem, but didn't realize it until my mac kept telling me the disk is full.  I deleted the cache, however it still says it has 90+ gigabytes of information in the cache which I just completely deleted.  I'm considering factory resetting my mac since all I use it for is videopad editing and browsing the internet.

I get white screen of death when I try to factory reset it, because it is an 2010 mac with updated SSD hard drive running Catalina (which must have been loaded via a patch).

When I viewed the cache as the problem began, I saw a LOT of videopad cache files.  They are now gone.  But again, it still behaves as if it is there.  Did I improperly delete it?  I have screenshots but this forum doesn't have an option to share it that I see.

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Thank you Borate.

I thought a screen shot would be simpler than a google drive link.  Here are shots of my "about mac" and what the folders show.


The man who sold me the computer is hesitant to instruct me on reinstalling catalina. He told me to get help somewhere else.  Thank you for responding 🙂

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Do this. It MIGHT just help. Assuming you have no outstanding projects.

  • Open VP
  • Select Options/Disc
  • Click Clear unused cache files.

VP usually then posts a message to say that the cache is cleared out and the amount removed.

If on the other hand you opened and cleared the cache files manually by selecting all and deleting them, they usually end up in the waste bin. So clear (MT) the waste bin if you did that.


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