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Upgrade features (What does it do?)

Alan R

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Having just been notified of the latest VP release 10.95 (10.96) I asked NCH what was new over and above the headline items, and they apologised they do not have a list of changed/new features.  I would really like to know more as I feel some updates are of little interest and can be installed later, whereas others would be real attractive and warrant an immediate install.

I like VP and am fairly competent using it (I think :) ) but it would be nice to stay familiar with the detail of whats being added/tweaked or improved, rather than either having to spend time hunting for features you're unaware exist, or bumbling along unaware that something has gotten a whole lot better and is now worth using.

Talking of mysteries I have pixie dust (apparently) but where is it, and how does it work?



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Pixie Dust is an effect.  Enable it, then preview in the effects window.  Adjust the sliders for the desired presentation.

To somewhat complicate matters, each time a specific release is installed (no need to re-download), there can be feature and subtle operational differences.  In other words, Pixie Dust may not appear on a subsequent install, or other enhancements may.  It's a marketing thing.

Unlike some other software that has gone strictly subscription or where a fee is extracted to update a yearly release, with a patch or two along the way, VP is under constant development right up front.  The latest can always be test driven as registered if no more than six-months have elapsed since purchase.  After that period, the 'pro' versions will be an unlicensed trial.   Retain your installer and registration.

So it will take some hunting on your part to discover what's been added or changed.  A treasure hunt...😅

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  • borate changed the title to Upgrade features (What does it do?)
13 hours ago, borate said:

Pixie Dust may not appear on a subsequent install, or other enhancements may.  It's a marketing thing.

I've hunted for it and cannot find anything in 10.88 ???  do I have it?  is it very well hidden?  Or was it a passing feature that no longer ships?



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Great - thank you - by "effects can vary with each installation" do you imply that the effect can come  and go - as exampled I am on 10.88 and 10.96 has it?

From an overall perspective, is it true to say once you got it it will be with you forever?  or can you find it missing at some arbitrary release in the future?

How does this affect a project created when PDust was in the release, if that project is subsequently edited with VP that does not have it?

Surely this sort of 'now you see it now you don't practice' must be limited to trivial issues like effects, rather than mainstream features?

Not a major issue with me as I seldom use effects - but nevertheless interesting to talk with someone more knowledgeable me - thank you.


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Most folks install only once, so what's available is what they get.  A reinstall might offer slightly different effects.  There's no guarantee that an effect will be available in later releases if it hasn't proven popular, but most do persist.

Mainstream features may vary slightly in their execution or availability over the years, as with any software.  Every time a new incarnation of Windows is released, users must learn new ways to achieve the same results.😉

If an effect has been programmed that isn't available in another install or version, it will prompt that it cannot be rendered.


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Ok - Thanks for the info


PS is there a distinct difference between Installation and Upgrade as far as NCH is concerned?

I must admit that upgrades seem to go faster and I don't lose custom effects I have created.



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'Upgrades' - often just maintenance releases  - show up every few weeks.  Installation is at the user's discretion, and may not be worth the effort.

Yet that effort is minimal, as the program installs in just seconds.  As mentioned earlier, you can always check out the latest to see if it offers anything of interest.

Any release may have subtle changes each time it's installed.  If a specific version is reinstalled, and an effect you like is gone, reinstall repeatedly.  It may reappear.

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I have been following this thread with great interest. I haven't upgraded from v10.88 for fear of not being able to get all nine overlay effects which I managed to get after innumerable installs. I do keep wondering what I might be missing in the newer versions. There may even be added new creative overlays which would be tragic if I missed it. It would be helpful if someone just listed at least any major improvements in every new release.

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Is there any way effects can be saved?  Somewhere under Appdata for example

23 hours ago, borate said:

If a specific version is reinstalled, and an effect you like is gone, reinstall repeatedly.  It may reappear.

Seems as though each install might get random effects "added at install time" ???

Is that each download/install or just each time you run the setup.exe?

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14 minutes ago, Alan R said:

Is that each download/install or just each time you run the setup.exe?

I guess I could answer that because I have done it so many times.  It is each time you run the setup.exe.

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33 minutes ago, Alan R said:

Is there any way effects can be saved?  Somewhere under Appdata for example.

On the effects toolbar click the 'folder', and name the effect.  It appears as a template at the bottom of the effects window and persists over various installations.


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