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Audio tracks amplitude on screen


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Hi All,

One major issue I have with VideoPad is that wave forms are rendered so tiny. When I need to sync the video with my external audio recording I need to see the wave forms loud and clear, but it does not seem possible to make them any bigger on the screen. If I maximize the bottom pane (as far as it will allow, anyway...) only the drop areas get bigger, not the wave forms. Especially at low volumes, this makes it impossible to see where it begins. Here's a link to a screenshot I hope will explain my problem. 



Thanks for any ideas !

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Sorry, can't pick up your image. However where I need to get a precise sound point on the track I usually zoom in to the track. This spreads out the peaks so they become more distinguishable but their amplitude doesn't alter. Clicking the track also places the waveform in the preview pane which may  be of some help. The peaks don't spread out in this case (get more squashed in fact) but they are higher.


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Your image is visible here - almost a flat line.  That's not normal, unless audio gain is very low.  What VP version is being used?

Try this one.  For licensed users upgrades are free for up to six months from purchase date.  After that, VP will continue to fully function but a fee will be required in order to register the newest.  Retain your old install file and registration info.

You can also submit your low volume clip for analysis.  Someone will check it out.  Upload the file/s to a free server, such as Google Drive or MS OneDrive, get a shared (public) link, copy the link and paste it here or to me in a Private Message via the mail envelope in the top-right corner of this forum.  When using Google Drive, if necessary change "restricted" to "anyone with link can view."

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Thanks for your reply, funny you could not open the image, while Borate could apparently. Ah well. Yes I zoom in a lot but when the amplitude is so low this only makes things worse. Previewing could be useful, I'll see if that helps me a bit.

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Share a low-audio file.  If we can work with it, that may generate more suggestions.

Here's a little trick you can use, to increase the waveform and bring the gain up to normal levels...

Right-click on the audio track.  If Edit With Wavepad is offered, click on it.

In Wavepad, under the Levels tab, raise the amplitude.  Or normalize the file.

Click the red X at the top-right and Save.

The file will be replaced in videopad, and the amplitude will be reflected on the waveform.

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Thanks for your replies ! I use VP Professional v 10.24 64bit. Not quite the latest, but I did not want to have to pay for a new license yet again (you may remember that from a recent thread). But I had the same with all my earlier versions too.

My sound tracks come from my smartphone camera (Cinema FV-5 Lite) and from my digital Kawai CA59 piano (directly to USB). My wave editor (not WavePad, sorry) has no problem showing the audio loud and clear (but of course I can zoom in here, unlike in VP), the gain is just enough so as not to clip. So I'm not sure if I should increase the gain just for the sake of visibility in VP. I'll share one of the audio files.

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I've done this once or twice, but it's cumbersome. I don't want a higher sound level in my video, as it is adequate and comparable to other YouTube videos. I'd have to replace back the unamplified file after syncing, and all that bother because VP won't let me zoom in and insists on keeping the audio windows very low (when there are more than one, that is, with only one the visibility is good).

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The wavefile is really not the problem, borate. I have linked 2 screenshots to show (hope you van view them).


This is after importing just the external audio track (WAV file). No problem with the gain, as you see, and the waveform is large enough to work with, even though it cannot be enlarged vertically.


Here I've imported also the video track (MP4 file). Both waveforms now apparently have to share the same area, and things get very small indeed. I appreciate VP is not an audio editor, but why can these areas not be expanded ? I can try to slide things around but only area that gets bigger is the bottom drop area. I can't fathom the logic behind that...

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Yes... but muted is not the same as unused ! I need both tracks so I can sync the external audio with the video. Only then I mute audio track 1 and create the video.

Don't you agree it should be possible to vertically enlarge the audio tracks ? Or am I the only one doing this kind of thing ?

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That looks like an issue with your browser's DOM support. I would try with another browser first, before doing a system restore.

Regarding the image shown, Microsoft has the annoying habit of showing 'creative' icons and texts in their Outlook. 

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  • 4 months later...

image.png    Right-click on VP audio track.  May not be available in all versions.  Try the latest.

For licensed users upgrades are free for up to six months from purchase date.  After that, VP will continue to fully function but a fee will be required in order to register the newest.  Retain your old install file and registration info.

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A skinny waveform means that the file audio level is low.  But improved normalization in the current version may help.

Here's a file with 50% audio.  It was imported into Videopad with the Automatically Normalize External box UNchecked under the OPTIONS | MEDIA tab... 

image.png  Normaize_off.jpg


With the box checked...  Normalize_ON.jpg 

To get this result, restart VP.  Before loading anything, clear the cache under OPTIONS | DISK tab.  Restart VP, then import files.  Leave the box active.

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