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Adding editor's notes to timeline?

St Bosse

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While working on my assignment with about 300+ takes (clips) ending up with about 25 projects, all to eventually end up as one project, I was wondering if there is any way of adding "editor's notes" to a timeline. Working on this assignment, going back and forth, I sometimes stop at a timeline position, being revisited for some reason, and then for the life of me, cannot figure out why this weird step is on the timeline, but working perfectly fine. Or working on a timeline, expanding, etc. removing a weird piece, totally illogical, only to discover when I test the  project, why that weird thing was doing there. 

Question: Can one add editor's notes to a timeline?

St B  

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Unfortunately in VP there isn't a specific way to add notes to a particular point in the timeline. I have passed a suggestion on to NCH some time ago regarding the possibility of adding a fixed (but removable) mark to a specific frame  that is fixed to the clip. Rather like the when editing film it was possible to draw an X or punch a hole actually in the film so as to define a splicing point. 

The nearest thing currently is the Bookmark line with an extended name. It's not, however fixed on the clip and would mark a different point in the timeline if the latter were extended or shortened.

One possible way would be to create a short text image. Place this at the desired point above the clip and then group it to the clip. It will then stay in place if the clip were moved. It only needs to be around 1 second duration or so to be visible in the timeline. Set the full background of the text a particular colour and the note will be easily visible.Right click and it can be read in the clip preview window. Keep them all on the same track and then delete the track prior to exporting.


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Hi St B

Yes, something like that but it is a somewhat clumsy solution. They wouldn't be inserts however, just text images all on the same overlay track. Certainly each small (short ) text block will remain in place once grouped with the respective main track clip but to monitor the text would mean losing sight of the main track. Easy to step through with II< or >II  though. It would look a bit like this...


Another drawback would be complications arising in using higher tracks in your actual clip editing.(Cutaways/overlaps/ proper texts etc) It suggests that the note texts would need to be placed on the highest track like this......


There might be a bit of mileage in this idea so just play about and see if something along these lines is useful to you. Put in a suggestion to NCH they may come up with a much more elegant solution.


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Hi Nat, Yes we are on the same page here. Sure, the work-around is very clumsy but it seems for now , it could be the only way until something better arrives. VP in totality does have quite a few shortcomings regarding its operation. I for example did a few pen and paper calculations during editing due to a lack of indicators, such as a "selection length" as in WavePad. See also my post on text line feed speed. 

Any case, thanks for your detailed response. 

St B

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