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Can't move video files back into the "video files" clip bin


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I updated videopad a few days ago to fix some issues I was having,

After doing so, I noticed that when I make a folder in the "video files" bin and move a clip into the folder, I lose the ability to move it back.

The "video files" bin isn't being registered by videopad for some reason.

Gyazo link for image of the issue here

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Having created a new folder in the video clip bin and moved a clip there (dragging and dropping is easiest) you can double click the folder to open it and then click the clip and Move it back to the Video files bin which comes up as a choice.,

Alternatively you can Cut and Paste it back to the sequence bin but as Borate states click the green back arrow associated with the new folder to close it.


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it took some time, but I found a workaround:

My issue here was that I already had the clip I need on the sequence. effects are applied to the clip on the sequence only (there are no effects on the clip in the bin).

Copying the clip and deleting the original would have caused the clip on the sequence to be deleted and the effects would be deleted as well.

My workaround:

Save the effects on the clip as an effect chain>  Copy the original and paste it into the desired bin> apply the effect chain onto the copy> delete the original clip and replace with the copy on the sequence.

This does raise a question though; why remove the option to just Right click>move to bin> Video Files?

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In effect you are creating a sequence of a single clip  and being a "sequence" it will retain all the properties you applied to it. In essence a new clip. You will see a green clover leaf pattern when you drag the clip. The difference between this "sequence" and a true sequence of the whole timeline is that when it is re-used the audio track will be visible.


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