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Unable to use arrow keys to move frame by frame


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This is a problem only from a few weeks ago, but I can no long use the L/R arrow keys to move up and down the sequence frame by frame. I used to be able to do this, but now clicking the left arrow key jumps to the start of the clip or sometimes even earlier, and the right key does nothing.

I thought it might have been a glitch in my last project which was quite large, but it is still happening on my new project. Has anyone encountered this or have recommendations to fix it? It's making editing detail almost impossible as dragging the red playback bar with the mouse isn't accurate enough for what I am editing, and is much more time consuming. 

I'm using version 10.34 if that makes a difference. Thanks.

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I'm running licensed 10.43 on two machines. In Clip Preview, the cursor control keys only work when working with the video track of the clip, not the audio track. I'll need to manually drag the cursor (red vertical line) manually with the mouse to put it where I need it to be. Needless to say, it's a hassle.

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"....the cursor control keys only work when working with the video track of the clip, not the audio track. ...."

This is normal. If you are working with just an audio clip, the next Frame I> and Previous frame <I buttons under the preview windows do not operate (as there are no frames to jump to) 

They should function normally with an unlinked video clip or a video clip with no audio. One way around this if you want to work on just an audio clip and you do want to step along it,  is to place a silent video clip on an upper track (an image or blank won't work for this.) You could, for example use an ordinary clip; unlink and delete its audio. Placing this above the audio track you are editing will enable you to step along a frame at a time.


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