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Change File Location in Audio File Breaks Link in Project

Paul N.

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In another post, I talked about all of my PROJECT MEDIA files pointing to the backup location, rather than original directory, after performing a PhotoStage backup.

I now have another problem with AUDIO files. When I right click on an AUDIO file, select FILE DETAILS, then point it to a different location (the original in this case), the AUDIO file exhibits the following behavior:

  • The check mark disappears against the AUDIO file in MEDIA
  • A (1) appears beside the file name (when I can get it to display in MEDIA). Is this an error message
  • When I double click on the AUDIO file in MEDIA, it will play.
  • The AUDIO shows in the film strip with the correct name. When I right click to adjust the Audio, the panel will not play the audio
  • When I play the show, the AUDIO file does not play. All other clips play.

I don't have the same problem with PHOTO's. They still work after I change their location from the backup to the original source.


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