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How to make sequence of images end at same time as audio

Andy Pay

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This should be a simple task but....

I have 53 images which I want to accompany an audio track timed at 5 mins 16 secs. I calculated that the duration of each image needs to be 5.85secs and I set this in Options, before starting the project. But no matter how many times I try dragging the images down to the video track, then just don't behave. Some hardly last a second, others 10 seconds.  There's something I'm doing wrong with the way I'm adding them to the track, because visually they're not the same length, if that makes sense.

I'm sure there's a quick answer - can someone please provide it?



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  • borate changed the title to How to make sequence of images end at same time as audio


Your reasoning and procedure would seem correct  but the arithmatic  is a little out  ^_^ :)

5 minutes 16 seconds = 316 seconds. Each of the 53 images must have a duration of 316/53 = 5.96 seconds


  • Open VP 
  • In Options/Media  enter 5.96 into the box labelled Default still image duration
  • Load images and drag and drop onto  Track 1 (If they are in order in the image bin just use Ctrl+A to select them all and drag/drop then in one go onto the track. They will retain their order.)
  • All images will have a duration of 5.96 seconds and appear of equal length on the timeline.
  • The timeline will be 5mins 15.8 seconds as shown below....aa.jpg

You can quickly check the separate durations if you like by checking them out in Storyboard mode....each will be 5.96 seconds.

That is the behaviour here with VP 8.95. Playback in VP is smooth as is the exported project. Follow this and it should be OK.




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Nat,  Experimentation here has shown that neither of our methods always succeed...

Often, multiple stills in the bin or on the timeline can be selected and their duration changed via the "duration" or "clip speed" boxes.   But at others, seemingly random durations are generated on the selected clips. Version 8.45 did the same.

Tested it on a multi-image project and was unable to get consistent durations...or spot a reason why.  It's been reported.

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Hi B

Very Odd.  I've done this several times including just now as a test with 53 images without any problems. Does this mean that the default time can't be relied on? I have to say I've never noticed differences before but then I usually alter clip durations in slideshows manually as I edit, either to match music or commentary. One thing then to find out is if the thing is reproducable and if the odd durations always affect the same image.

I'll try it with another set of images..different sizes etc and see if it comes out the same.


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Didn't check it, but believe that the default OPTIONS time is solid.

It's the multiple duration changes in the bin or on the timeline that are inconsistent.

Have linked a project in a Private Message that demonstrates the issue.  In this one, changes made in the bin are consistent, though there have been instances when they are not...

But try the same on track 7 - either via "change speed" or "change duration."  Here, that generates odd timings.

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Thanks for correcting the arithmetic Nationalsolo. I appreciate the help from you both.

I changed the duration to 5.96 seconds. I just dragged my first image on to the timeline - it doesn't even line up with the beginning, not appearing until six seconds in. I really don't get this at all, so where do I go from here?


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Did you try right-clicking an image in the bin, then applying the PLACE ON SEQUENCE AT START item?  Or PLACE AT CURSOR?

Let's see what you're doing.  Proceed as far a you can, leaving the images in the bin.  Then follow these steps.  Someone will solve the mystery...

Sharing your project is easy, quick and can be done privately.  Do this...

  •     Back up --- With your project on the timeline, click on MENU at the top-left.  Click FILE|BACK UP PROJECT FILES TO FOLDER.  Choose a folder and SELECT FOLDER.
  •     Upload ---  Upload the saved, numbered FOLDER.  Use a free server - Google Drive, MS OneDrive, etc.*  Do NOT upload the individual VPJ or export file. 
  •     Get link --- Get a public link.  If using Google Drive click GET SHAREABLE LINK. Change "restricted" to "anyone with the link can view"  Click COPY LINK | DONE.
  •     Share ---    Paste that link here, or click the folder at the top-right of this forum to message it privately to me.  It won't be shared.

          *    Before uploading, right-click the folder, click PROPERTIES.  Look at the File Size to confirm that it's not too big for the free space on the server.

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Hi B

Just repeated using 53 completely random images both in size,format.AR etc keeping the defaulted 5.96 time I set in the previous test.

The result was perfect. each was 5.96 secs and the total timeline was  15,15 as before.


All the clips in the bin had the same default time so I don't think that's a problem. If Andy wants to make the images equal (as seems to be the case) then before he adds them to the bin he should set the default time to the duration required.

I'll check out your project.

Note that I move all the clips en masse with Ctrl+A but I have just cleared the timeline and dragged them individually from the bin to the track as Andy says he has done....all had the same duration as they had in the bin.


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Thanks both. Right, I may be getting somewhere and may not need to share it to solve it.

Using right-click on Image 1, Place on Sequence/Place on sequence at start, I got it at the start. I timed it: just under 6 seconds, looking promising.

Right-clicking on Image 2, whether I ticked Place on Sequence at Cursor or Place on Sequence at Start, it moved Image 1 to second place instead of slotting in after it. Both just under 6 seconds though: good.

I guess I could load them individually in reverse order. I'd like to move them en masse but although I loaded them into the bin in the order I wanted, they were automatically rearranged into alphabetical order of the Image title.

Nearly there....?


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Hi All

@Borate....I think the set up is slightly different as I presume Andy is adding his images to a single track. Your test project did give varying results but no idea why.


If you are dragging a single image  clips to an empty timeline the first one should automatically go at the start of the track with no gap. This is irrespective of where you drop it or the position of the cursor. You can, however then pull it to the right and release it where it will re-position leaving a gap. Can't say why you are seeing a 6 second gap. When you drag the image onto the track and BEFORE you drop (release)  it do you see a grey zone at the start of the track? This should reflect the eventual place and length of the image you are about to release.


Note that it also tells you where the drop position is........(First image is 0:00:00.000)

For my test I started with an empty timeline and cache and used Ctrl+A to drag all the images from the destination folder to the image bin and then did Ctrl+A again to select all the images in the bin and dragged them en-masse to the track. As mentioned all had the same (default) image duration and ended up in the bin order. (See previous images). 

If you are still having a problem as an alternative, use Ctrl +A to select all images in the bin., (they highlight in blue) and then right click and select Place on Sequence at Start. There should not be any gap!

If you want to do each image individually just to be certain what is happening, select each one and then for the first image choose to Place on Sequence at the Start, and for all the rest Place on Sequence at the End they will then go on the track in the order you do it.

Also let us know what the duration is of each image that you have in the bin. (Hover the mouse over each) If you had an empty VP and cache when you altered the default still image value in Options/Media to 5.96 they should all show this value (even extra images you may add later) and also have this duration on the timeline. If they haven't there is something awry.




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Seems to be doing just what you intended...

Image 1 told to place at start.  It did.

Image 2 if told to place at start did just that, moving image 1 to slot 2.

If the cursor was at the end of image 1 when instructed to place image at cursor it should have done that.  Does here.

To ensure that the cursor is precisely at the cut point use the buttons under the preview window - or <shift - right/left arrow keys>.

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Hi Andy

I forgot to mention...I usually use thumbnail view for clips etc in the bins but using the buttons at the top of the box area  you can switch  into list view. This will list the clips/images by name and duration. The order seen (I think) depends on which direction you swipe the clips in the list. As mine (simply by chance )are labelled numerically they ended up in number order.


Anyway it might help as you can see the 5 clips here all have the default value that is still set up here...5.96

As mentioned if you are adding clips/images one at a time in your chosen order and you don't want to use Ctrl+A then Use Place on Sequence at Start for the first one and then Place on Sequence at End  for the others. You can drag them about later if you want to change the order or if you make a mistake you can insert an image in another place  by stepping the cursor along to a join and then Place on Squence at Cursor


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OK, Nat I don't think you'd seen my last reply when you sent your second last reply? But I understand it anyway.

Following borate's comment and Nat's last one, it's behaving now and all going to plan so I'll report back when I'm done.

Thanks both so much for your patience!

All done and it works! 

Thanks again, great work.

PS:  Just one more thing before I leave you in peace...

How do I set the end-point on the finished video so it doesn't continue running?

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