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You'll have to excuse my ignorance.   I'm a newbe !   

In my first attempt to download a simple video onto this I got as far as it appearing in the video box (left hand side)

Although there is a picture of the video all get is the audio in the clip preview.

Help please ( in idiotese)



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Hi  Flyer  :)

A few questions...

What version of VP are you running..It's in the bottom left hand corner of the main screen

What sort of video file are you trying out? (avi   mp4  MOV  etc.)

Is the image (thumbnail) that you see in the clip bin on the left an image from the clip?

Can you drag and drop it to the time line and if so what can you see there?


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Hi Nat,

Thanks for your reply.

Version v 894  Free but I'm only experimenting at the moment.  If I can get it to work then I may upgrade.

I think I may have found the problem but don't know how to cure it.

I tried another video taken with my iphone and it worked.  

As you suspected they are 2 different types of files.  The one using my Cannon camera comes out as MP4  whereas with the iphone it's MOV.

Now I have a problem, how do I get the Cannon to download in MOV or change the format from MP4 to MOV?


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You should not have to convert the file to MOV.  Share it here and someone will check it out.

Upload it to a free server, such as Google Drive, get a shareable (public) link and post that link here or as a private message (via the folder at the top-right of this forum).

If using Google, click on "restricted" and change it to "anyone can view."

That said, file converters are available.  https://www.nchsoftware.com/prism/index.html

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Good advice there. It would be useful to see the file. MP4 is a container. The video and the sound being stored within it using a Canon Codec.. There may be a codec problem with files from the camera that make them unplayable in VP. Upload it and someone will take a look.

Does it play with VLC?

In the meantime you could try and convert the MP4 from the Canon to MP4 (yes another MP4) using NCH Prism  Video Converter. This is free to try and can be downloaded by clicking the Suite  Option on the top toolbar and selecting it and then following the links.  It might be that Prism  will re-code it in a compatible MP4 format. Worth a try. (Of course it will also convert it to MOV but no guarantees that that will work either. :)


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