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Transitions no longer "between" clips


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Hello Members,


I've been working on a project all day and all of a sudden suddenly my transitions (that I insert) are no longer "between" clips (as in fade-out from one clip to a fade-in to another). Instead they are automatically placed directly "above" the clip.


In fact, sometimes the transition positions itself on a left-justification and/or a right-justification (above the clip.but not between clips). It's interesting to know that VideoPad can do this but how is this accomplished? VideoPad just started doing this automatically all by itself when I apply a transition (I assumed the transition would automatically be placed between clips).


Any idea what I did wrong? Is there a setting for this?


VP version 2.41

Windows 7


Thank you

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FIXED ! I had clips that were hidden and located all the way to the left on the clip sequence line. I found this by deleting ALL clips in the project and noticed that there was a very thin line all the way to the left on the clip sequence line. It was identified as "two" clips that were "squashed" to the left! I deleted them until the message came up and said "no clips in sequence". FIXED. The transitions are back to normal (positioned above "two" separate clips).


I would still like to know how to position a transition so it is left-justified or right-justified and position above a clip and NOT between two separate clips. It was a rather interesting effect to see the clip fade-out and then the following clip suddenly appear. Nice effect but no sure how to re-create the issue I experienced unless I "create the issue again by "squashing" clips all the way to the left of the clip sequence line?


Thank you

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"I would still like to know how to position a transition so it is left-justified or right-justified and position above a clip and NOT between two separate clips"



In version 2.41 you can add a transition (as you know) by clicking the the little barred square at the right hand end of the clip and then selecting the type of transition required as well as setting its' duration. This transition is then automatically placed equally divided over the join between the two clips and is represented by the yellow bar that appears over the join. This can't be moved but it CAN be adjusted. (But not in version 3.02)


Just left click the yellow bar and then when it's highlighted grab one or either of the ends. (The cursor will change into two vertical lines when it's over the end of the bar.)


Now you can drag the end of the bar to a new position. In this way you can alter the starting point and end point for the transition relative to the join. Note: You can only drag the ends back to the join though. If you do drag an end this far you have in effect "removed " it from the side concerned and you can't drag it back. In which case you can simply remove the effect, reload it and try again.


I used to use this method to reduce the "still" effect in some crossfades until I found that you could eliminate the "stills" by dragging in the ends of the two clips to be joined by a distance equal to half the crossfade.



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Very good Nat,


I had a puzzling day yesterday trying to sort this out. I was aware -in fact- that you can drag the transition bar either left or right by dragging the ends (as you so kindly described). However, what I did not know was that once you drag the bar across the clip divider line, you can't drag it back across. In that case, you have to delete the transition and reapply to have it positioned (once again) between two clips (as you mentioned). That in itself was a learning experience!


After experimenting awhile, I noticed something. Please follow me on this. Create a standard **transition (positioned above two separate clips) and drag the "right" side of the transition bar to the left until it touches the “blue-join-bar”. In doing so, the transition will automatically re-load itself and will now be positioned above the left side clip albeit in a right-justified position. No problem.


BUT, if you do the opposite.... create a standard transition (positioned above two separate clips) and drag the "LEFT" side of the transition bar to the right until it touches the “blue-join-bar”. In doing so, the transition will NOT re-load itself and will now be positioned above the right side clip albeit in a LEFT-justified position. The transition box will remain “empty or “white” in color). In order for the transition to reload itself, you have to click "anywhere" below the clip sequence time-line scale. Try it and let me know if you experience the same "quirk".


** The above scenario is based on a transition that was originally placed between an image clip (on the left) and a video clip (on the right).


VideoPad version 2.41

Windows 7


Thanks Nat

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Hi Seashell


You are correct and the transition behaves as you say. It's academic since normally you wouldn't use a transition completely pulled back to the join but interesting to see how it behaves.


What you see depends on the transition selected I suspect . For example, make a PROPER crossfade as follows...


i.e. Clip 1 fillowed by Clip 2 with a crossfade (say 2 seconds) between them.

Put red cursor line level with the right end of the yellow bar and then pull back the end of Clip2 from the join to just past the cursor.

Put red cursor line level with left end of yellow bar and then pull right end of clip 1 back to the cursor line.

This procedure gives a correct crossfade with both clips remaining in motion.


If you now pull the right hand half of the transition bar to the join and play the sequence you will find you have in fact, removed the fading in of clip 2. Doing it the other way around though it behaves differently-- I get "Building Preview"


Different things happen with other transitions Try it with Fade...


(You don't have to reload the transition....just "Undo"


Still, as I said, its academic but intersting.



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