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New to Delegate and having some issues.


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Okay, I've just purchased the Delegate program and I'm trying to set it up but it wont allow me to auto import any .dss files. I'm trying to auto import on a local server. Does anyone know if this is an issue with the file type or is it a set up option?


Also, I have multiple clients that DO NOT want to deal with the program and send all their files directly to me. I need to be able to import these wav files into the appropriate locations for my typists to pull and transcribe from my own system. So, my question is do I have to set myself up as a new "speaker" with a new email address, etc., for each of the different clients?


Thank you in advance for your help.

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Okay, I've just purchased the Delegate program and I'm trying to set it up but it wont allow me to auto import any .dss files.

DSS is not supported in Express Delegate yet. From the main window, see Options -> "File Types" for the list of formats that can be enabled.


Also, I have multiple clients that DO NOT want to deal with the program and send all their files directly to me. I need to be able to import these wav files into the appropriate locations for my typists to pull and transcribe from my own system. So, my question is do I have to set myself up as a new "speaker" with a new email address, etc., for each of the different clients?

If you want to track who each of the recordings came from then yes, you'll need to create a Speaker account for each client, and each account will need a unique email address.


The clients don't have to upload directly to Delegate though. For example, you could run an FTP server and configure each FTP account to have a different home directory, then create a Delegate auto-import source for each.

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DSS is not supported in Express Delegate yet. From the main window, see Options -> "File Types" for the list of formats that can be enabled.



If you want to track who each of the recordings came from then yes, you'll need to create a Speaker account for each client, and each account will need a unique email address.


The clients don't have to upload directly to Delegate though. For example, you could run an FTP server and configure each FTP account to have a different home directory, then create a Delegate auto-import source for each.


Okay, so how long until .dss is supported as most of my clients use that format and if that's the case then this program wont work for us at all because I cant ask all my clients to change the type of handhelds they're using?

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Okay, so how long until .dss is supported

Sorry, I don't know the time-frame for that.


In the meantime, you have a couple of options. Firstly, some hand-held recorders that default to outputting DSS format have an option to use MP3, WAV, or WMA instead. Or secondly, if the number of incoming recordings isn't high, you could add a conversion step on your end (e.g., to MP3) using something like Switch.

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Sorry, I don't know the time-frame for that.


In the meantime, you have a couple of options. Firstly, some hand-held recorders that default to outputting DSS format have an option to use MP3, WAV, or WMA instead. Or secondly, if the number of incoming recordings isn't high, you could add a conversion step on your end (e.g., to MP3) using something like Switch.


Okay, that's doable we could see if they could change their outputting format.


As far as the FTP site goes, is Filezilla an option? Does that work with Delegate? We already use it for some files and I"m wondering if there is a way to set up each client on our Filezilla so that Delegate can auto import the audio recordings from there?

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