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Lancelot Chan

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Posts posted by Lancelot Chan

  1. I tried mpeg4 encoding on my machine and no gpu acceleration for me. I also read from the net that h264 is better quality than mpeg4? and h265 more so than h264 given the same bitrate, or can do same quality at half bitrate? 

  2. I do custom bit rate export, 50% of the h264 file. Took like 4.5 hours each. 
    CPU? I7 990x. LOL
    GPU? R9 370x. LOL
    RAM? 20gb, but using 32 bit windows with Physical Address Extension, for better multitasking. 

  3. I didn't have any project files. I simply load the video into the editor and export it into h265 with half the bit rate of the h264 version.

    I can upload one of the video files for you though. I put 13 of them in queue and it was enough to crash the program. 


    -0-0- update

    I crashed once more when exporting just 1 file, but trying to load up the 12 hour video. Maybe that 12 hour video is the culprit. 
    I'll try to upload it to dropbox too and let you see. 

    *ugh, no space left in dropbox. can't share.

    The 12 hour video is from this one, 5.2 gb file 1080p 30fps.


  4. I was using 11.53 32 bit version.

    Before I went to sleep, I spent an hour to queue up the export of 14 videos with 13 of them being 45 mins long and the last one being 12hr long. I was trying to transcode them from H264 to H265 for downsizing. When I went to sleep, it crashed on the first video's export and wasted the whole night long. Then after I got up and found out about the crash, I tried queuing them up again, once again spending an hour loading each of them up and set the export. This time without putting the 12 hr long one into the queue. It still crashed right in front of my eyes during the export of the first one. :( Another hour wasted. 

    Now I go back to 11.45 and try to export each of them one by one. :(

  5. Version was 11.32(h264) and 11.45 (h265). Audio suddenly become silent when fast forward, because it was playing the starting portion of the video where I was loading the game up. The video was almost 30gb so there's no hope I can upload the project for everyone to take a look. 

  6. Yes, it was same as input (stereo) but it states 6 channels when I checked the exported file. My videos are always 2 channels. Only this video has this issue. 

    I know it won't help much but at least you can take a look of what happened on my end. The video also shows the blurry start I and some other users mentioned, in additional to frame frozen and out of sync audio during fast forward (not my narration, my narration is fine). 

  7. 31 minutes ago, borate said:

    We can only guess, without seeing the project ... or a trimmed section that exhibits the flaw on export.

    I'll show the freezing section where the H264 didn't freeze up but h265 froze up. Computer is doing h265 compress now so I'll wait till I can do "screen record". I'll put up a youtube link. 


    There also one problem I encountered repeatedly that when I change the playback speed of the certain section to be very fast like 500%, the sound clip would be wrong and plays some sound earlier in the video at normal speed.

  8. The freezes occurred around 1 min from the beginning in the exported video. The clip was not reversed. It was exported by 11.45. I understand I'm putting my old computer to its limit but yeah, getting the most out of it is my target. hahha.

  9. 44 minutes ago, mulie said:

    Lancelot Chan; my hardware is brand new, Dell, hum-dinging spec and hardware, yet the videopad editor is now such a hassle.

    I can echo your pain. I did not report every crash and bug I've encountered during the making of my gaming videos, which were over 1 hr long with high bitrate and 60fps. There were glitches here and there when working on huge project. For one example, I made 2 of such videos and the 1st one came out alright with lossless export. Then I try to compress it with h265 but at certain spots it will freeze frames while audio goes on normally. After that period things go normal again. I tried to export twice, spending 2 days since my computer is so old, and both times it ended up the same with the freeze frames at those spots. 

    For the second gaming video with lossless export, it somehow exported as 6 channels and have downgraded audio playback. I had to debug it myself and switch it back to stereo and export all over again to get things done. 

    That's not to mention the numerous crashes I experienced when working these big projects. So I was thinking, if I ever upgrade my computer, which my dad has one ready just sitting here, I may or may not use Videopad. Like you, I was a champion for it. Exporting with h264 in 11.4x has become super slow for me, and exporting with h265 in 11.3x was limiting to low bit rate, which this problem was corrected in 11.4x. So I have to use 2 different versions now for different export. LOL.

  10. On 4/5/2022 at 8:46 AM, mulie said:

    Lancelot Chan;

    Thank you kind Sir. That is helpful, and I find what you say to be the case using my current version 11.22.

    Since my hardware is old (12 years old), I often encounter many strange bugs that people here don't encountered, thus feeling quite lonely myself. Thanks for letting me know I'm actually being helpful to you too. 

  11. Thanks for the solution. 

    I figured out what's wrong. Somehow the lossless export the audio as 6 channels, while it was actually 2 only. I tested with short portion of the export that if I manually switch the channel to 2, it'll be fine. 

    The solution, however, allows me not to spend time on export again and just put the audio in. 

    It was a computer game video trying to be "lossless quality", thus the high bitrate. hehhe. It caused so much trouble though. 


    Avidemux doesn't let me to just replace the audio track. So I ended up using the new lossless export with 2 channels anyway. Thanks for your help. 

  12. I've encountered some problems when I make my gaming video. Maybe the bitrate is too much or the video too long (50000kbps 60fps 1080p for over 1 hour). Anyway, I used lossless export after all my editing and the result is the video's sound become low quality, lower than when the project playback in the editor!

    Now I don't want to do an export again. Can I just export the audio portion of my project, so I can use another program (avidemux) to replace the audio track with the high quality audio? Thanks. This is screwing me up. 

  13. Will do. I close the project after starting export usually, so only the encode process takes up the majority of my CPU. Otherwise, videopad will also takes up a large chunk of CPU to build the preview. 

  14. I've encountered this problem twice. The problem is when I export, I will shutdown the project by making a new blank one and just leave it there, to save CPU power for the export. This doesn't cause the problem. But if I clear the unused cache as well after shutting down the project, the video exported will have frozen screen at the point I cleared cache. 

  15. I also encountered the same very low bit rate for H265 problem in 11.32 and 11.38, no matter what high bit rate I entered. I'll try out the 11.43 beta. 


    Tried, it works. 

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