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St Bosse

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Posts posted by St Bosse

  1. I have read thru this thread but unless I am missing something, I'm not getting the answer.

    (VP 8.23 , Win 10 , i5 - 8th Gen)

    I have: new project > single clip > run stabilize (takes very long) but gets done.  Then If I want to play the clip, it says audio is still being processed. . . . . and still after hours when I give up.

    I have tried very short clip, no success with audio processing. 

    What am I doing wrong?

    St B.

    • No choice if the transition is between the ends of the same split clip  Default is an overlap of the moving video.You cannot have a frozen image crossfade..
    • The choice is given if the ends are from different clips even if they have been trimmed. i.e. The default is what is set in Options.

    "In that scenario, logical for sure.  Maintains clean sync."

    Yep! That's the answer! I've been rushing thru so many videos that I didn't notice the "same split clip"  situation. And yes, "logical for sure" ! Makes total sense, I am cutting out "stuff" (sometimes very short), and overlapping will definitely mess up the precise cut position effort.

    Thanks guys, your assistance is appreciated.

    St B

  2. Thanks for the response. .  . . . .  mmm . . . not so sure. I have been editing videos like crazy the past two weeks, close to no 50 now  (30min videos for online tuition), and have done numerous cuts on these videos to get rid of some disturbance or coughing or something, then use a "cross fade" to tidy up the transition, and every single time I got ask the question .  When there is a short clip involved, it will give an additional warning saying that the clip is to short and that the transition time must be shorter, when I choose overlap.  Now, I cannot get VP to ask me the question in any combination.

    So I'm a bit confused now.   Am I missing something?  Any other experiments /combinations I should try?

    I am a newbie to VP and as I continue things and logic starts to fall in place, and I get familiar with the VP logic and way of thinking. So please bear with me, thank you!

    I did some more tests. Regardless of setting in the options, every cross fade gets overlapped! Is there another setting/place somewhere else that I'm missing?

    St B

  3. My option to choose my transition method suddenly disappeared today. VP no longer asks me "... freeze.. or .... move clips".

    My settings under:

                Video clip transition: Generate freeze frames/
                                                      move clips to overlap/
                                                      Ask me

    . . . . is still set to "Ask me".

    Anybody that can solve the mystery ?

    St B.

  4. Thanks borate,

    Got it to work! Very nice!  Just one last question on the subject, How does one link the new sound track/s to the rest of the sequence. Every time I add a new header at start, every thing shifts up except the new sound track. Also, when I add crossfade on the video where the clips move forward for slight overlap, the new soundtrack stays put!

    St B

  5. I am trying to add a new audio track (narration) to an existing video with a bad sound track. Is there a way of monitoring the original audio track on headphones so that I can here where to add the new narration. ie. Audio track 1 is the original sound track.(voice volume is way to low and music is quality was mic recorded).  Audio track 2 is actual music  and audio track 3 is the new narration. The aim here is to redo the audio with the new music and narration properly balanced to replace the original audio.


    St B

  6. Did that, tested all the possible file handlers. - no difference. Nothing works. Also tested some setting on the Windows explorer settings.

    Also, won't help much if it is working on my machine because I'm not the one this is about. I'm distributing these clips to our students and there is a variety of devices out there! It seems there is a lack of standardization in  file thumbnail display department. The video file itself must "push" a thumbnail image or embedded!

    Thanks anyway for your interest and suggestions. (and just if you are wondering, I'm testing  over three different devices.)

    St B

    PS: How do you get an image loaded here?

  7. Thanks borate for your response! I have looked at the article but unfortunately as is often the case, steps are missing or no longer exist in the app. Also the frustration of undated internet articles. (maybe very old and refers to back versions?)

    However, is there no way of forcing the thumbnail to show in windows explorer during video preparation and export in VideoPad?    (The thumbnails inside Videopad are no problem, that's not the issue.)

    I am producing tones of short videos to assist a dance studio running virtual studio dance lessons and most videos shows the first frame of the main (longest) clip. . . . I think, (99% an image of the teacher ready to start), but not the first frame of the first clip with student name and lesson details. . . . . and then . . . suddenly randomly , one does! 

  8. Any new advice?  I still can't force a preferred frame to be the thumbnail in picture view mode in Win 10 windows explorer or elsewhere! I get totally random results after numerous tests and ways of exporting a video. It's driving me nuts and it looks very unprofessional. There must be a way! people on you tube gets it right. Why can't it be elsewhere as well?

    Anybody ?

  9. Hi Nationalsolo,

    Thank you for the response. I've sorted the problem, by as you and borate suggested,  at 60fps constant.  Problem is that the flickering at 30fps just doesn't look good, so I'll try and stay away from 30. Only problem is then that persons with apple products seem to have problems viewing at 60fps !!??  (a still outstanding question: What is the best format to send to apple product users, frame rate and resolution?)

    I am bit confused by your statement "There was no obvious flicker of the fades noted in the VP preview" , because the flickering there is what started me checking and testing. Maybe you have a high persistence monitor  that catches the flickering or is there a setting where one can set the frame rate in the VP preview itself?


    St B

  10. I have started  using VP about a month ago to assist someone in this virus pandemic. This is my first videos and VP was updated to version 8.23 on April 1, 2020. I have updates as above and now it wants met to pay again!!?? (...and caused me a lot of work during a restore process) I feel that smooth fading in and out is a very basic transition since day one of video editors and should work properly.  Can you please help?

    The  http://nch.invisionzone.com/topic/23659-tips-for-getting-help-on-this-forum/ is a "closed" topic.  ????

  11. I am struggling with a flickering fade-in or cross-fade transition, regardless of frame speed or resolution, it stays the same. It looks as if the steps (resolution) during fade-in are very coarse. It should by smooth but instead flickers along until full image. 

    Any assistance to solve this problem please.

  12. 1) I am busy deciding on a video editor for home use. NCH advertises a "free download" for home use. I did download this option about a year ago only to find out that it means only, "free download" and not "free use",  because after lots of work on my first production, it refused to save or something, can't remember what it was, before I purchase a license! 

    So as you can see, I am totally confused by the "free download" definition. So what is the true facts here? Is it really totally free?

    2) What does "lifetime" licence mean? On another NCH product I purchased, it came down to lifetime licence but only one year support and update. (only found this out after a year). Is this correct?

    Please help.


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