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Posts posted by Gekker

  1. Try the following:

    -Uninstall Voxal and restart your computer.
    -Download and reinstall Voxal from https://www.nchsoftware.com/voicechanger/index.html
    -Restart the computer after reinstalling Voxal.
    -Open Voxal, go to "Tools > Options" and select the type of "Preview Mode" of your preference.
    -From the left side list select a voice, press "Preview" button at the top left to preview the voice.
    -Press "Record", then press Record again to start recording, press stop when finished, press "Listen" to listen to the recording you just made, when satisfied, press "Open" and find there your recording.

    If you keep having issues, please enter a support ticket at http://www.nch.com.au/support/index.html

  2. Try this:

    Uninstall WavePad, then remove a folder called "WavePad" from these locations:
    - C:\Program Files (x86)\NCH Software\
    - C:\ProgramData\NCH Software\ (if you can't find the ProgramData folder, set Windows to show hidden files and folders)
    - C:\Users\<your username>\AppData\Roaming\NCH Software\ (if you can't find the AppData folder, set Windows to show hidden files and folders)

    Restart the PC, reinstall WavePad from http://www.nch.com.au/components/wpsetup.exe

    If the issue persists, enter a support ticket at http://www.nch.com.au/support/index.html

  3. It is possible to load a MIDI file into WavePad and change the instrument that plays.

    Load the MIDI track to MixPad, right click the MIDI track and select "Edit Clip with Midi Editor..." or press Control + E. Select the "Channels tab " at the top right and use the drop down menu of each channel to change the instrument.

    The user's manual section about the MIDI Editor can be found at http://help.nchsoftware.com/help/en/mixpad/win/midiedit.html

  4. It is possible that the dictation file you were sent is originally in mono (only one channel). There's no stereo/mono setting in Express Scribe as it will playback the audio files in its original format. You can try loading a MP3 song ibn stereo to Express Scribe to make sure it is playing both channels, make sure to also test your dictation and MP3 test file on Windows Media Player or other media player to confirm both channels work.

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