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Posts posted by Gekker

  1. Hello @Mikey P,

    When a MixPad project is saved, a MixPad Project file and a Project Data folder are saved in the same location, the MixPad project file <name>.mpdp and the folder <name>.mpdp.ProjectData.
    Both must always remain in the same location because when the MixPad Project file <name>.mpdp file is opened, it pulls the tracks from a folder in the same location with the same name plus ".ProjectData". For example, a MixPad Project file named "Ultra Sound.mpdp" will look for, in its same location, the project tracks in a folder called "Ultra Sound.mpdp.ProjectData". The MixPad project file will not remember the location of the Project Data if it is moved alone, it will always look for a folder within the same location, if needed, move them together.

    As names are very important to be able to open MixPad Projects, do not change the name of the MixPad Project file or Project Data Folder, if you do, make sure the <name> portion is exactly the same for both.

    Try putting the original MixPad Project file and Project Data Folder in the same location, then open the Project file, it should be able to open the whole project.
    DO NOT try to open a Project Data Folder with a different Project file, even if you change the names to match as this might cause the loss of tracks or audio in the tracks.

  2. Hello @TADS,

    NCH has instructions on their website to sync Express Invoice, Express Accounts, Copper and Inventoria here:

    On the Express Invoice user's manual there are sync instructions: http://help.nchsoftware.com/help/en/expressinvoice/win/linksync.html
    Go to Express Invoice > Tools > Options > Inventory.

    On the Inventoria user's manual there are sync instructions: http://help.nchsoftware.com/help/en/inventoria/win/advanced.html
    Go to Inventoria > Tools Options > Other tab > Advanced Settings.

    On the Copper manual there are sync instructions: http://help.nchsoftware.com/help/en/copper/win/linksync.html
    Go to Copper > Tools > Options > Sync App tab.

    On the Express Accounts user's manual there are sync instructions: http://help.nchsoftware.com/help/en/expressaccounts/win/linksync.html
    Go to > Express Accounts > Tools > Options > Inventory.

    Each software from the NCH Business Suite has its own version, contact their support so they can verify your licenses and provide the correct version installer.

    I hope this helps!

  3. Hello @ahmed2017

    Almost more important than a good video editor and render software, is good hardware. Video and audio rendering is a very heavy processing task, and 4K rendering is one of the heaviest processing tasks nowadays. VideoPad is a great program to edit and render the finished video, but it depends on what it can do with the hardware available. For example, if you don't have enough RAM or a dedicated high-performance video graphics card, 4K quality rendering is going to take a long time no matter what software or settings you use.

    NCH recommends upgrading your hardware for this cases on their website. The buffer is essentially rendering in real time: http://www.nchsoftware.com/videopad/kb/1852.html

  4. @designrox,

    To export an item list from Express Accounts:
    -From the main window go to View > Items... > Print to > Select a column to sort by and ascending or descending order > View.
    -After the report generates (allow some time if you have a lot of items) use the Save button to export in PDF or CSV format or go to the menu "Report" for more options.

  5. Hello LeRob66,


    First of all, cool action figure, it looks vintage. Is it collectible? The helmet doesn't show the Rebellion symbol, that caught my eye.


    Anyway, as your second screenshot states "While adjusting these settings, the main preview will be paused. Do you still want to change device settings?"

    Debut is designed to pause the preview while adjusting the camera settings and cannot be changed.


    If you would like to suggest to the developers that users should be able to watch during the preview the settings change without pause, do so here: http://www.nch.com.au/suggestions/



  6. It was previously suggested to uninstall and delete the components only from here:

    C:\Program Files (x86)\NCH Software\Components



    As per the error message, uninstall VideoPad and delete the "Components" folder from:

    C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Roaming\NCH Software\Components\


    Delete "the folder "Components" from C:\Program Files (x86)\NCH Software\Components\ too, just to have a fresh start.


    Then re-download and install from here: http://www.nchsoftware.com/videopad/vppsetup.exe

  7. Hello people,


    From what I'´ve learned, Reflect CRM is just a database for internal use, it is not designed for direct interaction with companies, leads or contacts. It is used as an internal solution to manage customer relationships.


    The email of each account, contact or lead is set for contact information to show on reports and such.


    What can be emailed from Reflect is an Account, Contact or Lead PDF report to the email address you input. For example, if you go to the Contacts tab, right click any contact and select "Email report for this contact", you'll then be asked to enter the destination email address, a text message for the email and the PDF report will be attached.

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