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deleting old wav files from recovery


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I didn't see anything that resembled my problem when I logged onto this site so am asking here. My recovery folder is getting full of old wav files that I don't need. I really don't need to keep more than just the most recent wav files in there. Is there a way to clean these out? I have searched my folders and can't even find any wav files other than in Windows Media folders.


Sheryl :D

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I didn't see anything that resembled my problem when I logged onto this site so am asking here. My recovery folder is getting full of old wav files that I don't need. I really don't need to keep more than just the most recent wav files in there. Is there a way to clean these out? I have searched my folders and can't even find any wav files other than in Windows Media folders.


Sheryl :D


Not sure what you mean by recovery folder, but first of all, decide how long you want to keep old files and then go to Settings and under the Files tab you'll see "Delete old 'done' files after number of days", then choose how many days you want them to stay there after you've hit done on a file. If you want to clean them out beforehand, you go either to All users in your Local Settings Folder or the folder named with your name (this is Win XP) and click on Application Data, NCH, Swift, Done, and delete all the files in that folder.



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You can also recover the files and then delete them. Or set them to delete after a certain number of days like the other person said.


Or if you don't need them as soon as you are done with the transcript, just delete them to begin with instead of pressing "done."



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