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Express Scribe's "Auto backstep on stop"


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I just downloaded the latest version of Express Scribe (v. 4.15) this morning. While transcribing a report a little while ago, I noticed that I needed to re-set the "auto-backstep on stop" for my footpedal. Unfortunately, no matter how high of a number I put in the auto-backstep box, I found that it did not rewind the voice file at all. It just starts up where the last word left off. I just want it to rewind back to a word or two from where I left off. What am I doing wrong? :unsure:

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I was having this problem too just then, and then realised that you have to put the number up to around 1000 to register any actual rewinding - it's in milliseconds!



I finally figured it out yesterday. I found out the ideal place to set it at is 400. It's set at just enough words, around 1-1/2, before the new words are heard. As far as being impressed with the player, it works for me most of the time. The only thing that could be better is that sometimes it makes the doctors sound kind of "tinny-sounding."


Thanks, Melody and Shannon, for offering your help. :)




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I don't understand which number you're setting on 400?? I just want the tape to rewind a few words when taking my foot off the pedal and can't understand how to do this??


Go to File, Settings, and see the very last choice under Playback where it says "Auto backstep on stop (0 - 5000ms) and you can choose a number using little arrows. I use 2500 myself, but you may find that's more than you want. It probably backs it up 4-5 words when I take my foot off the pedal.



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