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More Frame Timing Issues


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Now the frame by frame timing seems to have been fixed, there's a new bug. At least I think it's new.

With a 30 fps clip, the timers and counters no longer work. They stop frame forwards working, the clip just jams up. Play works, frame back works, but frame forwards doesn't work. And it's always on the 33ms frame, like the other issue.

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Are you referring to the timer effects?  Tested each of these on both a 30 and a 29.97fps stopwatch clip and they worked normally in the current v13.49 beta.


If you're referring to the  cursor counter that's under the preview window, it seems to be functioning as well.  Upload a video if possible.

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Yes, sorry, the effects.

Perhaps I should have been more specific...

1. Place a 30 fps clip on the timeline.

2. Add a millisecond stopwatch.

3. Try to step through the "Sequence Preview" (not the "Clip Preview") frame by frame during the stopwatch section. It sticks on two stopwatch values (x66ms) which it shouldn't even have (they should be x67ms).

4. Enable "Show Previous and Next Frames". Now it simply jams up and won't move forwards. Backwards it misses values.

All of the timer effects have some sort of problem, but this one is very clear.


I've installed VideoPad on a different PC. Version 13.49 - Exactly the same results. VideoPad can't count.

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On straight clips, frames appear to now be counted correctly when in/decrementing a frame at a time.

Per your test, what's still not kosher are counters, frame-by-frame, though they appear to work normally in typical usage, as noted above. 

A work in progress, Pete.   Keep filing bug reports and refer to this thread.

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Hey @Pete31684


The bug reports are important and they give an effect, yes, it slow process but more than one team is working on a solution. After evaluating and testing, all bugs and suggestions that make sense get implemented in a new version(s). Suggestion and issues like your is what drives the way the software evolves. Hopefully, you change your mind and open an official ticket and give us the opportunity to forward the report to our development team. 

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