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Can I export the audio part only?

Lancelot Chan

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I've encountered some problems when I make my gaming video. Maybe the bitrate is too much or the video too long (50000kbps 60fps 1080p for over 1 hour). Anyway, I used lossless export after all my editing and the result is the video's sound become low quality, lower than when the project playback in the editor!

Now I don't want to do an export again. Can I just export the audio portion of my project, so I can use another program (avidemux) to replace the audio track with the high quality audio? Thanks. This is screwing me up. 

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One would think that LOSSLESS, if it truly succeeds throughout, should pass the original's quality.

What's the Audio Quality/Bitrate setting?  Why does the bitrate need to be that high?

If the project is trimmed to five minutes and exported is the result the same?  If so, upload and share that abbreviated project.

Select the Sequences tab in the bin (top-left of the window).  Right-click and...    image.png

It will be a WAV, in the MUSIC folder on the PC.

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Thanks for the solution. 

I figured out what's wrong. Somehow the lossless export the audio as 6 channels, while it was actually 2 only. I tested with short portion of the export that if I manually switch the channel to 2, it'll be fine. 

The solution, however, allows me not to spend time on export again and just put the audio in. 

It was a computer game video trying to be "lossless quality", thus the high bitrate. hehhe. It caused so much trouble though. 


Avidemux doesn't let me to just replace the audio track. So I ended up using the new lossless export with 2 channels anyway. Thanks for your help. 

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