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Simple Text Overlay - How To 'Reveal Left to Right'


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I have some lyrics for a song I want to reveal from left to right. I'm sure it's a simple fix but I cannot for the life of me find it. 

I can find 'Reveal Left to Right' under 'Transition' under the 'Home' tab, but this applies the effect 1) to the end of the clip 2) the entire lyric line appears at the start, and then 'wipes clean', which is sort of the opposite of what I'm trying to achieve. 

Any help would be appreciated.

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Try this, Its probably the simplest..

  • Create a simple Typewriter text
  • Use the Position effect to locate it in the frame. (say, at the bottom)
  • Adjust the duration by pulling out the text clip. The text will remain in place when complete for this extra time. 
  • Text animation duration can be adjusted in the editor.

The text will now appear a letter at a time from the left.




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