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Only a small part of sequence is highlighted and that's all that saves - the rest doesn't appear after export

Debbie G

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I am new to video pad. Using a variety of original videos (different zoom views - gallery and speaker) and footage to drop in that needed replacing in the zoom - a couple of edited clips to enhance the topic - I created a good sequence which I now need to save. The first part is highlighted with  a green line along the top and all the other edits I have added, to complete the sequence I want to use as finished video, are dark and it says 'to speed up we are caching your video, watch preview after this progress bar is finished . Is that just a matter of time or is there something I need to do. I can't see any instruction videos about this. I URGENTLY need to share the video edit with other members of the project for approval and then time sensitive online upload. WHAT DO YOU ADVISE? What can I do to have the video I have worked so hard on saved in its complete length? Thank you very much in advance. 

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You should normally wait until caching has completed. The green bar usually extends to the end of the sequence. To ensure that you you don't lose anything Save your work by clicking the down-arrow  right of the tab labelled Save Project and then select Save Project File As giving it a name you can recognize. This will save a vpj file of that name in the selected folder. Clicking the vpj file will reload your work.

You might also step back through your edits by clicking the Undo arrow repeatedly on the top toolbar. This might get you back to a point where the sequence played OK. Once there do a Save Project As and you at least will have something to reload.


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At the top left of the bin, click the SEQUENCES tab. image.png  Then click the sequence, which will display in the preview window.

If there is a darkened area in the thumbnail display, drag the blue and red brackets to their respective beginning and end of the project.


Now try an export.

If that or Nat's suggestion don't solve the issue please share your project for analysis.  It's not difficult and usually results in a fix.  Follow these steps closely...

  •     Back up --- With your project on the timeline, click on MENU at the top-left.  Click FILE|BACK UP PROJECT FILES TO FOLDER.  Choose a folder and SELECT FOLDER.
  •     Upload ---  Use a free server - Google Drive, MS OneDrive, etc.* - to upload the saved, numbered FOLDER.    Do NOT upload the individual VPJ or export file. 
  •     Get link --- Get a public link.  If using Google Drive click GET SHAREABLE LINK. If necessary change "restricted" to "anyone with the link can view" 
  •     Share ---     Click COPY LINK | DONE.  Paste that link here, or click the folder at the top-right of this forum to message it privately to me.  It won't be shared.

          *    Before uploading, right-click the folder, click PROPERTIES.  Look at the File Size to confirm that it's not too big for the free space on the server.

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  • borate changed the title to Only a small part sequence is highlighted and that's all that saves - the rest doesn't appear in saved video

Hallo - thank you for such considered and kind support . The project saved as an MP4 with the edited audio intact but most of the frames were frozen. So back to the drawing board. Here it is  https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1VyMfHzdbVOV90r5Jr_pb_eGqSotb1ToJ?usp=sharing   If you can shed any light I would appreciate that immensely . Thank you.  

Edited by Debbie G
Wrong link put initially - this is the correct one .
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Thanks for sharing.   What Videopad version is being used?  Install this one. 

For licensed users upgrades are free for up to six months from purchase date.  After that, VP will continue to fully function but a fee will be required in order to register the newest.  Retain your old install file and registration info.

When loading a project, be patient.  Dependent upon your PC's capabilities, it can take fifteen minutes or so to fully cache lengthy or complex work - where all audio is present and the green line is complete above all video thumbnails.  After that's done, preview should be smooth.

The cause of the partial export is as explained above:  the blue bracket must be moved to the far right...

Click the SEQUENCES tab in the bin, click the sequence thumbnail and, under the preview window, drag that bracket all the way to the right.  Now none of the video is shaded and all will export.

There is 'garbage' at the end (a false ending after the song) that you may want to trim off. 

Place the cursor at the TRUE end, click the top of the red line, then click the blue ] bracket.   image.png  This will create a new ending point.

It's unclear why the ZOOM effect has been applied to some clips.  Its parameters haven't been set - in other words, no zoom.

Attached, below, is a VPJ control file that incorporates the changes noted above.  Sign in to this forum.  Download the file to the same folder as your source files.  Double click on the VPJ and the project will load.  If it asks to resolve any files, click the RESOLVE button, and one-by-one, locate each file that it wants.  Click on each in turn.  Then you can make further changes if necessary and export the project.

problem project Debbie G_rev.vpj

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  • borate changed the title to Only a small part of sequence is highlighted and that's all that saves - the rest doesn't appear after export

Oh my! Thank you SO much. Life saver! That is amazing. Re the version - it was from 2020 ... I decided to try an upgrade mentioned in a previous forum strand so I have Videopad Professional 11.26 - should I use the window after purchase to install the one you gave the link to @ Borate?  

I couldn't see red and blue brackets for the sequence but I think one thing I did wrong was editing the sequence in the lower pain with the videos I was working from in the top frame and not pausing and putting it in the full clips window to refine. SO I will remember to do that next time. I am more used to editing stand alone audio for radio.

One thing tho - and I hope I am not outstaying my welcome in this topic you have already been so kind  - I couldn't find a way to expand the clip view window - upper window - to refine red and blue bracket placement so refine edited in the lower sequence view as there is an expander tool there (similar to what I use in pure audio editing in audacity) but I could not find a way to expand the clip view. How do I do that please? The Zoom element did not seem to do that. 

Again I am overwhelmed with your kindness. Thank you!  Debbie 

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Version 11.26 is good for now.  There's no need to update if it's working well.  New releases can be test driven at anytime - even if unlicensed - to check out features.  Retain your old installer and registration.  Any version can be had here, whether or not it's within your licensing six-month period.

There are several ways of editing (trimming) clips.  One is to select a clip in the bin (top-left), then use the buttons under the preview window.  Move the cursor to the desired start point, then click SET START.  Move it to the end point and click SET END.  Then use the ADD button to drop the trimmed clip to the timeline.

Note the chevron to the right of the ADD button that provides placement options.  image.png

The same options are available via a right-click on the clip in the bin.  Or a clip can simply be dragged to the sequence.  Once on the sequence it can be trimmed and manipulated there.  Editing on the sequence does not alter original clips in the bin.

The red and blue brackets can be hard to see, especially the blue one when it's far right.  They will appear only when a bin clip is selected.  When SET END is used, the blue bracket will show up prominently on the timeline.

In your case, the Sequence, under the SEQUENCES tab, had been inadvertently trimmed...  image.png  Normally, that item is not edited.

The preview window can be sized somewhat by dragging the white line just above the timeline up or down...   image.png

Or preview can be undocked via the widget at the top-right. image.png  Then it can be positioned, and sized by dragging its borders.

There were a number of flash frames - very short snippets - throughout the project.  They are easily seen and deleted in Storyboard mode. and may have durations of .001, .203, etc.  Very short.  (These were not deleted for the revised VPJ.)

One way this may occur is when an edit is made near but not directly on a prior split point.  To precisely position the cursor between two edits use the ||< and >|| buttons under the preview window to go to the junction.  Then right clip on the new bin clip to be inserted and Place On Sequence at Cursor. 

A final note:  Save Project File AS routinely, giving it a unique # or name, so as not to overwrite prior saves.  Using Save Project Files (no AS) will overwrite.  From the HOME tab, that choice is available by clicking the chevron to the right of the Save Project button on the toolbar.   Then you're protected, should mistakes occur.  <ctrl-Z> (same as EDIT | UNDO) can also be used to backtrack, edit by edit.

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Thank you SO much. I will check all these when I am back on the case tomorrow to refine everything and tackle new clips for the next sessions. I have taken the items off open google now and downloaded the great work you did. Again I am SO grateful. I hope I can put it all into practice. 


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