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"Loss" audio channel - stereo becomes MONO


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Why does any video change in VideoPad, even a 2-second cut at the end, result in the loss of an audio channel?
In an original file in properties>details 2 channels (stereo) and in a output file only 1 channel (mono).

I'll thank you for explaining and more about a solution, though I don't hear big difference in the audio

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No doubt you are exporting as LOSSLESS.  This issue has been fixed.  Try the current version.

Alternatively, click the blue Default Quality /Filesize link and export as Off (Re-encode Video)  image.png

For licensed users upgrades are free for up to six months from purchase date.  After that, VP will continue to fully function but a fee will be required in order to register the newest.  Retain your old install file and registration info.

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  • borate changed the title to "Loss" audio channel - stereo becomes MONO

I try Off(Re-encode Video) and I did get two audio channels, but exported video was almost twice its size due to doubling the data rate.

So I try to install updates with my registration code, but I was blocked because I paid seven months ago. Now I have a demo version with no ability to come back. I don't think it makes sense to pay for fixing a bug in the current version. This is the first time I've been required to pay for updates to any product.
How can I go back and get the same size video with the option Off (re-encode video) ?

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You can always reinstall the earlier licensed version, which should be registered.  If you don't have it on hand, look here.

Have you tried lossless export with the newer version linked above?

See if this version falls within your licensing period.  It doesn't have the issue.

Re-encode data rates can be changed.  In the export dialog click the blue Default Quality/File Size link to access the drop-down choices...


Suggest that you write the company, explaining the issue...  https://www.nch.com.au/software/bug.html?software=VideoPad

or https://www.nch.com.au/support/regcontact.html

If you share your project in a Personal Message (click the envelope at the top-right of this forum) it will be exported for you with two channels.

The process is easy, quick and the project won't be made public.  Just follow these steps carefully...

  •     Back up --- With your project on the timeline, click on MENU at the top-left.  Click FILE|BACK UP PROJECT FILES TO FOLDER.  Choose a folder and SELECT FOLDER.
  •     Upload ---  Use a free server - Google Drive, MS OneDrive, etc.* - to upload the saved, numbered FOLDER.    Do NOT upload the individual VPJ or export file. 
  •     Get link --- Get a public link.  If using Google Drive click GET SHAREABLE LINK. If necessary change "restricted" to "anyone with the link can view" 
  •     Share ---     Click COPY LINK | DONE.  Paste that link here, or click the folder at the top-right of this forum to message it privately to me.  It won't be shared.

          *    Before uploading, right-click the folder, click PROPERTIES.  Look at the File Size to confirm that it's not too big for the free space on the server.

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tried lossless export with the newer version 11.08 (the last that I don't have to pay). The bug is still there. In my understanding lossless export, as his name indicates, should not lose an audio channel and turn stereo into a mono. For fixing this bug NCH demands 24.99$ exactly the same price that I paid before 7 month, and what about next bug?  When I purchased a software package (VideoPad+Debt+Prism) from NCH I thought it was a one-time payment rather than a semi-annual one. I'm bitterly disappointed. 

Now for the rest of your suggestions :
1. I know that re-encode data rates can be changed, but I prefer default quality/default file size without changing to many parameters from original video.

2. Sharing my project in a Personal Message, may be as easy but still prolongs the treatment process and I make a lot of use of the tool, especially in sifting through advertisements in a lot of small videos.

No doubt you're a pro, I've seen it the other problems I had.  You're doing your best within your powers.  Fixing the bug free of charge is the same as the price of the new tool probably not one of them.  I'll try to write according to the link you provided. Thank you in the meantime.

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1. Nothing happens when I press  this. Anyway my registration was 7 months ago and the version a year ago must contain other unknown  bugs.

2. about "NCH may issue you a free license in the future as this is their policy when a user discovers a bug - even an obscure one.". what it's mean? what i must to do for it.

3.I brought my resentment to the two addresses you mentioned. We'll see what happens. I'm very excited that you're not playing "little head" (idiom from Hebrew), and  not leaving the subject.

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Nothing need be done to take advantage of the license policy;  your issue will be submitted.

Clicking on the link above should have offered the 10.21 version.  http://www.oldversiondownload.com/oldversions/videopad-10-21-2021-03-16.exe

It doesn't exhibit the problem - not to say that's it's completely free of quirks, which come with the territory when complex software is regularly 'improved.'   The current release also doesn't have the issue.

When a verified bug is reported, it's quickly fixed.

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As I have already said, I do not really want to go back to the version that even before my original version, but did I understand you correctly : version 10-21-2021-03-16 does not have a bug, in versions from 11-08-2021-12-12 17 (the one I purchased) and until 11-08-2021-12-17 (the one I have installed now) the bug appeared and in versions starting from 11-20-2022-02-03 the bug again does not exist?

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Hi Borate,


On 2/9/2022 at 4:12 AM, borate said:

This issue has been fixed.  Try the current version.

Apologies to Imanuel for using the thread for unrelated issue.

I have been following all the queries in the hope of getting info on new version release.  I have also been checking the NCH release page from time to time.  Even though you have given links for v11.18 (as a response to another query)  and v11.20 (in this query), these versions are not found on the nch Videopad release page.  Does that page not get updated as soon as a new version is released?

Right now I have installed v11.20 and am sorely disappointed that my feathering problem still remains to be solved. Time is running out on my six-month term.

"NCH may issue you a free license in the future as this is their policy when a user comes across a bug."

Does it mean that I will get a free license if and when the feathering bug is fixed after my current license has expired?

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LaRa, I see you're getting the policy to pay for a new version due to bug discovered in the version you paid the full amount.
You're worried that version time is over, but you don't think there's going to be another bug in The Begas later on.

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Well, there definitely would be other as yet undiscovered bugs....this particular bug matters a lot to me...so I am doing what I can from my side to have it fixed...let's see what happens...I am overall happy with Videopad and am grateful for the quick response from the tech support staff on this site.  I will cross the bridge when I come to it. Hope you find a solution to your problem.

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Two issues have been commingled in this thread, and both appear to have cropped up in the VP 11.x series.  Recommendations...

To solve the MONO problem, use 10.21 or the current release.  That's been fixed.

Version 10.21 also retains the feathering setting.  No doubt that issue will be dealt with as well shortly.

When a bug is confirmed, NCH often issues a license extension to the user who reported it.  While there's no need to apply, tech support forms are available.

Older versions are here.

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Borate, just for your knowlage : finlally i switch to http://www.oldversiondownload.com/oldversions/videopad-10-21-2021-03-16.exe besause it was impossible with Off(Re-encode Video) - too slow. As you say, its not free free of quirks. I came across at least 3 and ugly among them is that the video gets stuck and skips scenes. Mostly this happens when I expand video track to be more precisely. 

I also wrote the company, explaining the issue to  https://www.nch.com.au/software/bug.html?software=VideoPad

and https://www.nch.com.au/support/regcontact.htmllooking forward for  a free license in the future as this is their policy when a user comes across a bug.  They promised to do something, but so far there's nothing.

I'm starting to think there's no version that doesn't have some serious bugs, if I come across them with my modest use. Maybe NCH software is unnecessarily complicated. What's the point of so many options if they don't work properly?

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After the feathering bug is fixed it's likely that a free licensing period will be granted.  Takes time.

Wait for the green line to complete;  seeking and playback should be smooth.  Using version 11.22, with a one-hundred-minute clip on the sequence, after fully caching there was no re-caching when the timeline was expanded or contracted.  As for 'skipping' - allow VP a few seconds to re-cache after making changes, such as adding effects.

Hardware capabilities, project complexity and length all affect caching.  You don't specify the other issues in 10.21.  Quirks often turn out to be user unfamiliarity.

Unlike some other NLE software that is either sold strictly via subscription or is updated yearly for a fee, and maybe with a major patch, frequent Videopad releases incorporate performance enhancements and feature improvements.  Considering that rapid upgrade cycle, something may have broken and not been spotted during beta testing.  Like the feathering issue. it may be months before a user encounters it.  Once confirmed, the fix is usually quick.

If you visit other company's forums you may see reports of bugs that don't get fixed until a major patch or new version arrives.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Unfortunately, the last version I can download for free is videopad-11-08-2021-12-17. Beyond that I have to pay full price. Despite promises helpdesk to  give me a revised free version they came back to me different people with the same questions in the circle and just exhausted me. I will not pay again for software that I have already bought only on principle and of course I have drawn my conclusions regarding the following products of the company.

Demanding money for a fix bug is greed that is unseemly for a serious company


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Your "loss of one channel" audio was a verified bug.  As is NCH policy, you should receive a gratis licensing period to compensate for your trouble.  This can take some time to work its way through channels, so be patient.

In the interim, any newer version can be used without licensing.  During the trial period, most features should be available, and in recent releases the bug is fixed.

When you do decide to go with a newer release you should not have to pay full price.  Upgrades for licensed users are discounted.

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