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Cannot snapshot text

Alan R

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Created a piece of text (scroll bottom to centre) dragged cursor to end where sequence window shows the final position of the text, then right-click Take Snapshot... at HD (same as project) and the snapshot image is blank.

Blank in all images snapped at any resolution.

Yes Borate, you were involved in a similar query around April this year - and concluded this 'remains in the category of things that are not meant to be known' 😃 

Was on an earlier release then, and now on 10.88 and there are minor differences but fundamentally the same fault.

Are we likely to have any more success today? or maybe someone can suggest how I can get what I seek, and that is to have a piece of text rise from bottom to centre then freeze there before fading away.

Thanks in anticipation.

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Thank you - made me smile when I immediately saw you had opted for a very neat alternative way of achieving what I wanted.  Re-reading our original  chat I guess trying again to find out whats going on was just not worth any more time.

Your help much appreciated as usual

Thank You



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