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Help Needed in San Francisco


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I'm webspinner for the Civil Rights Movement Archive (https://www.crmvet.org) an educational nonprofit in San Francisco. We want to begin working with videos and to that end we purchased VideoPad software. But I'm having trouble getting started with simple tasks, and neither the online tutorials nor forum discussions are helping me. I think I just need someone to show me how to do a couple of beginner tasks like trimming out a portion of a video, inserting a title card, creating and saving clips. I'm wondering if there is any one in my area how would be willing to spend an hour or so showing me how to get started and if so what your fee would be. You can contact me via email at bruceh@crmvet.org. Thanks.


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For the basic operations click the ? top right of the main screen or press the F1 key and check out the relevant program controls. The best way to learn is to keep it simple 

Anything you can't grasp ask here. Someone will help. It doesn't matter if it's a simple thing. (The simpler the better :))


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Yes, thank you. I've tried that, and I've tried the video tutorials too. But there's something I'm not getting. What I need is someone to show me how to do a couple of basic tasks, from there I think I can use the help and the video to go farther.


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Well, I don't know what I'm not getting, but I'm not getting something because when I try to follow NCH's written and video instructions I still get it to work right. I have a set of roughly two-hour video files that I need to:
1. Trim out some small sections that I don't want included in the final video (the files are so long that I can't easily do it by visually dragging my cursor to highlight just the sections I want to delete)
2. Create and insert a couple of title cards.

Usually I am able to follow written instructions, but sometimes I just need someone to show me how.


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Video editing is resource intensive, especially when a lengthy project contains hi-res files.  Install the latest Videopad 64-bit version, which is best for that task.

For licensed users upgrades are free for up to six months from purchase date.  After that, VP will continue to fully function but a fee will be required in order to register the newest.  Retain your old install file and registration info.

Work with one file at a time, or even split up a big file into more manageable chunks if necessary.  Each can be exported and later assembled for the final.

Here is one approach to easily parse the desired sections...

  • Import the unedited master clip to the bin (top-left).  Left click to select it (the clip name will be grayish blue-highlighted).  Press <ctrl-C> on the keyboard.
  • Left-click in an open area of the bin, not on a clip.  Press <ctrl-V> on the keyboard.  A copy of the clip appears with the # (1).  Do this as many times as needed for the clips that will be used.  Do not edit the master bin clip.
  • Clear the sequence timeline, if necessary.  Now select the clip with (1) in its name.  It appears in the preview screen.  Move the red cursor below the PV screen to the in point of the desired section.  Click Set Start.  Move the line to the desired out point.  Click Set End.

Jot a note or rename the clip by right-clicking it.  Repeat this process for sequentially numbered bin clips, isolating the desired content in each.  These become the individual clips that you want in your project, which can be dragged onto the sequence timeline in the desired order.  Alternatively, right-click the bin clip and choose a placement.

OR click the chevron to the right of the ADD button under the preview window for the same placement options.  image.png

As for 'cards':  if they are still images, just import them into the bin and then add them to the timeline between your clips.  Or click ADD TEXT button to create them in VP.  Experiment with the options offered in the text editor.  Each 'card' becomes a clip in the bin, ready to be added to the sequence. 

For protection, Save Project File AS routinely, giving it a unique # or name, so as not to overwrite prior saves.  Using Save Project Files (no AS) will overwrite.  From the HOME tab, that choice is available by clicking the chevron to the right of the Save Project button on the toolbar.  To restore a project, double-click its VPJ file.

If you make a mistake, immediately press <ctrl-Z> to backtrack, step-by-step.

When all clips have been assembled on the sequence, Save Project File AS and then EXPORT a Video File.  Default settings are often best, but there are many options.

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".........1. Trim out some small sections that I don't want included in the final video (the files are so long that I can't easily do it by visually dragging my cursor to highlight just the sections I want to delete)......."

A two hour clip is pretty lengthy. :) Nevertheless try the above.  With the idea of keeping things simple, think of your clip as a piece of cine film and you want to chop out the bad bits.

Proceed thus.....

  • Start by opening the program and Clearing unused cache files from the VP cache under Options/Disk
  • Add your clip to VP using the  Add File(s) tab. Note: A big clip may take a bit of time to load and get indexed.
  • When complete, Drag and Drop it from the clip bin to Video Track 1   (if it doesn't automatically go there) and wait until it has been cached (The green bar has finished.) Now your video is on the track and is ready to edit.
  • Play  the clip to the start of the bad bit. You can also drag the red cursor along the track to this point.
  • Click the top of the red cursor line and then split the track with the scissors icon on the tab that appears.
  • Play the clip (or drag the cursor along the track) to the end of the bad section. You now have two splits in  your clip.
  • Right click on the unwanted section between the splits and from the menu select Delete (Ripple). This will remove the unwanted section of your clip and automatically close the gap up.
  • Save Project File As to ensure you can come back to this point if things go wrong later. (Give it a name like "Edit 1.vpj"

You have now trimmed out a section of your project and spliced the ends together. Simply repeat this procedure for other unwanted sections. and do a Save project File As each time. (It works just like film, except you can undo the steps that go wrong.

"........2. Create and insert a couple of title cards......."

VP has a few Template clips that you could use if you want....

  • Click the Templates 
  • Select one of the intro templates. Adapt the text etc. to your liking. An intro template will be placed at the start of your video.

As an alternative way of adding a title you can add a text clip...

  • Click the  Add Title tab
  • Select the type of title that you want and if you want it to scroll or not.
  • In the text editor set up the text and its attributes. The default text is "Title text" so swipe it and type in your own.
  • The title you create will automatically be placed on Video Track 2 where the cursor is.
  • Drag it to the position you want it to play.
  • Create another text title if required.

Using the Add Text  tab is little different. Note that in each case an image clip of the text  is created and placed in the image bin. Placing them on track 2 creates an overlay that plays over whatever is on track 1. Text images are normally produced on a transparent background so track 1 is usually visible behind the text. They can be made pretty complex but these are basic instructions. Try out the steps with a short clip so you can see what is happening.

Hope this is of some help.




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Thank you, I successfully followed your steps for trimming. Thanks so much.

I'm having trouble though with the Title clip. It just runs for 3 seconds and I cannot figure out how to make it play longer.

It also overlays the sequence video (though not the sequence sound). I want it to play before the commencement of the sequence video and sound. How is that done?

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If you want the text title to appear superimposed over the video, place it on the next higher track.

Drag the title clip, to position it.  To extend the duration, drag the clips 'handles'...

If instead you want it to stand alone, place it on the video track at the head of the project.  Or split the track where you want the title to appear.  Right-click on the title clip in the bin (top-left) and PLACE ON SEQUENCE AT CURSOR.  If you make a mistake press <ctrl-Z> to backtrack, step-by-step.

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".......... I'm having trouble though with the Title clip. It just runs for 3 seconds and I cannot figure out how to make it play longer........"

If you used one of the intro templates it will have been loaded to the start of the project on Video Track 1 and will precede your own clips. Depending on its content it may also have a text component on Track 2 above it. The duration of the template can be set when you set it up.

If you used a Text clip this will appear on Track 2 as by default it's an image with transparency. Note that Text clips are images and as such play for the default still image time shown in Menu/Tools/Options/Media/Default still image duration and this can be set beforehand.

If you have already placed a text clip, changing the default duration won't reset the clip.(only new ones if you add more) If you have used a text image you can lengthen the time it displays by grabbing the white block handle at the end of the clip (a square arrowed bracket will appear)  and dragging this out along the track. 

"........It also overlays the sequence video (though not the sequence sound). I want it to play before the commencement of the sequence video and sound. How is that done?....."

As you note, the text will overlay Track 1. If you want it to play before your clips then ...

  • Grab the text clip on the  overlay Track 
  • Drag it down to Track 1 and move it to the left so the white arrowed line is at the start of the track.
  • Release the clip and it will be placed at the start before your clips which will move along to accommodate it.

Note that unless you have used Full Background colour option in the text editor when you set up your text, the transparent area will export (and appear in the sequence preview pane) as black. There are many options so keep experimenting.



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