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Problems with VIDEOPAD transitions


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Hello to all,

I have an annoying  issue with transitions, being between 2 videos or a video and a fixed image.

I wish to insert an image or video, but avoiding desync/shifting with the main video and its audio (present before and after insertions).

If I choose the mode "stopped image" (arrêt d'image in french) for the transition, the new/next image appears and then DISAPPEAR before finally reappearing. Transition is not constant and is not correct. This happens in the final exported video, not in the window of the app where everything looks correct.

If I have 2 consecutive videos, the problem is similar : the new one appears, the fading transition operates, but then, after its completion the OLD video reappears for about 1 second.

I know I could simply superpose new images on the main video in an additional video/image line, but in this case the visual of the main video, on background, does not disappear which is what I want. 
Any solution for me ?

If I choose the mode "moving the clips" for the transition, as far as I tested, the "reappearing problem" is solved, but then there is desync with the main video and its audio...

Thank you for your help !


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It is unclear where "stopped image" mode is seen.  Please elaborate.  What version of VP is being used.  Look at the left-bottom of the window.

Suggest updating to this version.  For licensed users upgrades are free for up to six months from purchase date.  After that, VP will continue to fully function but a fee will be required in order to register the newest.  Retain your old install file and registration info.

If that does not solve the issue, share the project that exports poorly. 

Someone will take a look and come up with a fix.  The process is easy, quick and can be done privately.  Just follow these steps...

  •     Back up --- With your project on the timeline, click on MENU at the top-left.  Click FILE|BACK UP PROJECT FILES TO FOLDER.  Choose a folder and SELECT FOLDER.
  •     Upload ---  Use a free server - Google Drive, MS OneDrive, etc.* - to upload the saved, numbered FOLDER.    Do NOT upload the individual VPJ or export file. 
  •     Get link --- Get a public link.  If using Google Drive click GET SHAREABLE LINK. If necessary change "restricted" to "anyone with the link can view" 
  •     Share ---     Click COPY LINK | DONE.  Paste that link here, or click the folder at the top-right of this forum to message it privately to me.  It won't be shared.

          *    Before uploading, right-click the folder, click PROPERTIES.  Look at the File Size to confirm that it's not too big for the free space on the server.

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Thank you for the answer. I have done a lot of tests, and I will export projects that show the issue.

I bought version 5 in 2017. If an upgrade is able to correct this issue, I would be ready to buy it, but I have to be sure I will be able to obtain exactly what I want.

By "stopped image" mode I mean the first of the 2 modes proposed when applying transitions. I use the french version. In french it is called "arrêt d'image", it is the mode where clips don't move in the timeline.

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Understood - "freeze" mode vs "overlap."

Though unlicensed, you can test the latest release to verify whether it exports the project correctly.

For your protection, Save Project File AS routinely, giving it a unique # or name, so as not to overwrite prior saves.  Using Save Project Files (no AS) will overwrite.  From the HOME tab, that choice is available by clicking the chevron to the right of the Save Project button on the toolbar.

We look forward to reviewing your project file.  Do not send the export or VPJ file.  Everything needed should be covered by the instructions above.

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Yesterday I tried latest version and I had issues while exporting as soon as transitions were involved. Whatever export I choose was followed by an alert "not suitable for no loss export" even if I tried low resolutions. I also did not have the "automatic detection" button or function when exporting. I had to uninstall it and reinstall version 5 for which I have the code as I bought it.

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I have tested the lastest version again, and it is a nightmare to me.

When the export does work, I don't have the problem I have with version 5 for the transitions. But EVERY export attempt finishes to be interpreted as a lossless attempt, as I get whatever I choose, the message "does not meet the requirements for lossless..." (even if I try the lowest resolution).

I succeeded in exporting a sequence and 5 minutes after, the EXACT SAME sequence is not exported anymore, and leads to the message above. I don't understand. The sequence is exactly the same, and the path to export is also the same...


What is encouraging is that now I just verified that the last english version (10.88) does export correctly, where the french one (10.64) is not able to do it.

I still have to do some tests and configurations but the english version should meet all expectations I have 😉 

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Watch for an updated French version.  The 5.x series is long in the tooth.  Consider a licensed upgrade.

In the interim, restart.  And before loading anything go to OPTIONS | DISK tab and Clear Unused Cache Files, if that choice is available.

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I still have an issue with 10.88 : there is an enormous latentcy in displaying the images. Sometimes it is so important that it is impossible to run the clip I want to change in the window. For some clips I cannot edit the effects at all. And the overall playing completely misses some clips.

Maybe my PC is not powerful enough. Is there a trick or a way to downgrade the resolution of the images and clips, so that these issues disappear ?

The only solution I am thinking now is to export a complete project in version 5, and export the final video with version 10.

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What are your PC's specs:  CPU / GPU / RAM?  Video editing is resource intensive.

With adequate PC resources, there should be few lag issues with the 64-bit version.

The very best way to see what's going on is for you to share the project.  Others will test it.  This can be private.  Just follow the instructions above.

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Even if I upload lossless videos at 1080/HD the result on Youtube is always downgraded.

I have never used the Youtube section of the software, because I prepare the videos not being connected to Youtube. Are settings applied for an HD video uploaded to Youtube via the software, different from a video exported in lossless format or HD format to the PC ?


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VP 10.43 on a Vista machine 32 bit

Apart from the additional problems you note. The simplest way to "insert" an image or a video without losing the synchronising between Track 1 and its audio is to simply overlay the image/clip on Track 2 with a fade in and a fade out.

This example is simply the clip on Track 1. plus an image on Track 2 and a text on Track 3......



".....I know I could simply superpose new images on the main video in an additional video/image line, but in this case the visual of the main video, on background, does not disappear which is what I want. Any solution for me ?...."

This is that method and there is no need to use any transition. but are you wanting the main clip to fade out BEFORE the "inserted" clip/image fades in??




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    Thank you for the answer. Yes, I learned what you show. Playing with aditionnal tracks allow to do what I wanted. Fadings are a type of tansition.

    The only thing I have still to learn to have the rendering I wish, is to be able to align perfectly multiple images when overlayed on the main video. I mean postionning them (up down, right, left) according to the borders of the screen. I don't know yet if there is a possibility to do that precisely. So far it is approximative.

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    Images (on Track 2)  can be positioned on top of the the main clip on Track 1 using the Position effect. Usually one adds a Scale  effect first to make them smaller. If you set up Dual displays in Options/Display you can easily monitor where they are relative to the clip on Track 1

    As an alternative use the Picture in Picture effect. it has the same controls but in one effect window. Offset X and Offset Y  values can be adjusted by pixel using the value boxes to move the overlaid image with more precision.

    Another way of placing images against the main video is to use the Split Screen effect. This is commonly used to evenly position multiple images (on different tracks) onto different parts the screen. In principle VP will divide the screen up into various boxes (matrices) (big option list) into each of which you can place a different image. They can be scaled and positioned within each box. If you are not sure regarding using this come back here and ask.


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    • 1 month later...

    So, I think I'm having a similar or related problem.

    I've got a clip where I filmed an object being picked up and taken out of frame.

    I placed the clip into the time line and the cut out the part where my hand comes into frame and picks up the object, resulting in a sequence where the object is there and then disappears. So far so good.

    Here comes the problem : when I use the cross-fade transition between the 2 clip (to make the object fade away) the software uses frames with my hand in for the transition, frames that should be on the cutting room floor, I've deleted them, they are not in either of the clips. 

    I've tried both 'Generate Freeze Frames' and 'Move Clips To Overlap' and it seems to make no difference. 

    I know for the case of fading there is a work around, but that won't be the case for all kinds of transitions, so I want to understand ;

    Why does this happen? Is there a way to stop it happening?

    Why use parts of a clip I've cut out at all? This is the opposite of editing! 


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    When a clip end is trimmed, the excess doesn't land on the cutting room floor.  Instead, VP is told to end the clip there, but the video (your hand) remains.

    If a transition is made at that point, there must be video to accommodate it...so the hand will reappear during the transition.  This is normal.

    (The same principle applies if a clip is trimmed at its start.  Video that precedes the cut remains and would be used if a transition were programmed there.)

    To make this work, right-click the sequence preview window and take a snapshot (still frame) just before the hand appears.  The clip appears in the Images bin.  Tack it onto the end of the moving video.  Drag the handles to adjust its length.

    Here's an example where the koala (followed by an unwanted, deleted scene) has been extended with the snapshot. 


    Then a transition was programmed from clip 2 to clip 3.  The length of the transition will also affect the 'look.'

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    I found a better work around was to trim the clips before hand and save them and then do the transition using the pre-edited clip so I can choose which bits of footage I want to use for the overlap 

    There really needs to be a way to turn this off so that stuff on the cutting room floor remains there and the editor works with the footage it's got.

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    Another approach - begin the transition earlier and/or make it shorter.

    Don't think that you will get around the fact that there's no still video to cover the dissolve, unless it's appended.  That procedure is not difficult.

    Here's a two-clip example.  You want to eliminate the birds, and transition from the end of the Koala to the dog.

    • Split the clip at the end of the Koala scene.
    • Right-click in the PV window and take a snapshot of the sequence.
    • Right-click the snapshot in the bin and Place on Timeline at Cursor Position.
    • Select the unwanted birds clip, right-click and Delete (ripple).  Zoom the timeline if if necessary...   image.png
    • Drag the snapshot clip end handle and note the duration pop up.  Allow ample time to accommodate the transition length.
    • Apply the transition.


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