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Buttons on VEC Infinity 3 foot pedal messed up.


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I'm using a new VEC Infinity 3 foot pedal and when I press the middle button, it functions as 'play real speed' and when I take the foot pedal off, for some reason, it plays at slow speed playback. The rewind button, instead functions as 'go to start' and fast forward, does nothing. 

Anyone know what could possibly be wrong? 

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Did it work before? Have you gone through the Controller Setup Wizard, should be under OPTIONS (Preferences if in Mac)  > CONTROL tab > Click on the CONTROLLER SETUP WIZARD to run it. You should also have a mapping option in that same location, make sure the mapping of the pedals are correct. If they are and you have gone through the setup wizard then try a different USB port and setting it up again. If you still have issues I will recommend you contact NCH Technical Support team for more help:  https://www.nch.com.au/support/index.html 

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