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Can't delete ANY files in Wavepad Sound Editor??


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I'm losing my mind over here. I'm using Wavepad and going over some audio files. I made some individual files and saved as .wav files. They open 1 at a time. (Excellent)


I have some files *.wpp which I will save as .wav files, but how come anytime I load one .wpp file it loads all the ones I deleted??? can't get rid of them.


I went to the working folder (which is the default location under Options). Deleted what was in there even changed the working folder location.


Did a search on my entire PC .wpp files and zero files found of those DELETED files. Are they in Wavepads Cache or something? Google as produced nothing for 90 minutes.


How can I stop WP from opening up these phantom files I do not have on my PC any longer?



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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi @Tactics, there's a wide range of variables here. We'll do our best to help you specify and address your concerns.

1. How many individual files are there? Are these the ones you're having trouble with?

2. About those *.wpp files you mentioned which you will save as .wav files, are these files in any way connected to the formerly mentioned wav files which opens individually?

3. You mentioned you deleted the files inside the working folder, and then you went on to search those previously deleted files. This would depend on your computer settings, like how much you allow the recycle bin to hold. If the files you previously deleted are bigger than your recycle bin's capacity, it's most likely the reason why you can't find those files anymore.

4. If you are seeing a message when you open WavePad that promps to locate the old files you already deleted, it's most likely because WavePad is trying to automatically retrieve the associated files on your project. Simply create a new/blank project so that WavePad would quit looking for the recent project.

You may open a support ticket through this link https://www.nch.com.au/support/index.html if you need immediate and direct assistance.

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1. Maybe like 5 - yes

2. Yes they are the same files. I wanted to change the format to a .wav so they open with VLC

3.The files were small in size. They didn't bypass my recycle bin. I actually manually deleted the .wpp files from there.

4. No message or prompt. If I open one .wpp file that I did not save as a .wav file ALL prior existing (deleted) .wpp files open - one behind the other on the screen. I'd take a screenshot, but I just called it a day and saved the last .wpp file to a .wav. Back to my original post they open normally with Wavepad.

That's why I figured it was a Wavepad setting or something cached to open up those prior .wpp files. (maybe because I just saved them as a different format and didn't rename them. If I renamed them maybe the .wpp files would present the issue) Not quite sure...


Sorry I can't recreate it unless I create new multiple files. I should have taken a screenshot when the issue was present.



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