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Slides in wrong order - export to HTML


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I am replacing some old Flash slide shows on a web site.

When I export a slide show to HTML for Web site the title slide always ends up as the penultimate slide. The end slide is last as expected.

When run in preview all is OK, When exported to a Video slides are in the right order.

Have tried reordering slides but problem stays.

Using ver 8.24.

Is there a workround?




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I tested the version 8.24 and creating a slideshow, saved as HTML5 and it did not skip any of the images on the slide.    You may want to test if this happens with all the slideshow you create as HTML5 and consider contacting the NCH Software support team for further assistance. 

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If I place slides on the project then select all of them onto the time line then the published slide show is in the right order.

However if I change the order once placed on the time line or add a blank slide at the front as a title slide it runs in preview correctly but the published slide show is out of sequence. Title slide is at the end. The change of order seems to be ignored, slides are in original order.

I have reported it to NCH but no reply so far.


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