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Gray lines/outline around polygon mask


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I found several threads on this topic from earlier in the year (March/April).  In those threads, they indicating that feathering was not working properly but was now fixed. 

I'm on v8.96 (tried installed 8.97 beta, but still says 8.96 in the app), and I'm still seeing the gray outline that gets larger as you increase feathering.  Specifically, I have a polygon mask outline around a person and then blur the background.  With the normal blur, I get a very noticeable transition from my polygon mask to the background.  Radial blur helps with the transition, but the background is of course more warped on the blur (as expected for a radial blur).

Assuming the blur has not come back, should feathering be blending on the transition on the mask outline, or is it supposed to show the gray outline increasing with higher levels of feathering?

P.S.  I won't be able to upload the video I was editing (helping a friend edit a family video with their child).  If needed, I can try to recreate on a generic video.

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Looks to me as if it blends the BG with the insert.  This insert is a transparent PNG, so it had no content other than the face, overlaid on a green background.  If using a JPG, then it is going to blend the cut-out with the remainder of the image.  At least that's the way it appears to work.

Nat may chip in with a better take on this.

Feathering comparison.jpg

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thanks borate.  looking at your images and looking at the video again, it may just be the effect of the video clip sharp color transitions around the polygon mask (e.g. backlight window with dark hair, and then dark furniture behind colorful shirt).  Rather, probably need to start with higher quality video source material. 

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Some versions back, grey outlining of a polygon mask..giving the impression that the mask was a drawn outline, was a reported problem. I believe it was fixed soon afterwards and was connected with the Feathering control. At the time I demoed it in a forum post and also in the report. I've tried again to reproduce it with VP 8.94 without success.  

Have a look at this post ..



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