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Exported file displays freeze or black


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Hi there.

I know this has been addressed on multiple occasions in past threads, but I still can't seem to get it right.  Just a little background of my use of VP:  I purchased pro back in May with v.8.3 something.  I had a past issue and found answers through these forums by updating to v 8.74.  It fixed my past issue great, but here's my current issue now:

What I was doing:

At first, I was on VideoPad pro paid v 8.74, and my exported clip would always freeze where I have layers of png's and added video effects, but audio continues, and the visual frame would pick back up to the next clip (where no pngs overlapped) for the remaining of it until it hits another clip that blanks black.  That black clip would have had these added effects to it  ---> EXPOSURE, CIRCULAR BLUR, and ZOOM.  Again, audio remains untouched and the clip ends and and works just fine.

What I tried:

I looked for answers on this forum, and came across a very recent and similar issue and downloaded the suggested version.  Going back to the project now operating pro v 8.63, I previewed everything again before export.  Again, it previews just how I want it with effects and all.  However, exported file now freezes at the same clip and ends there.  The whole file does not export fully after trying a few times.

I also tried to export just the selected "problem" clips and same: they freeze or black out but audio remains. 

Not sure if I'm operating with the latest, but any feedback would be much appreciated.

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  • borate changed the title to Exported file displays freeze or black

Let's check out your project.  Issues are usually quickly resolved.  Share it here or in private - not the export or only the VPJ file but the project folder.  Here's how..

1.  With your project on the timeline, click on MENU at the top-left.  Click FILE|BACK UP PROJECT FILES TO FOLDER.  Choose a folder and SELECT FOLDER.
2.  Locate the saved, numbered folder and upload it to a free server - Google Drive, MS OneDrive, etc.*
3.  Get a shared, public link. If using Google Drive click SHARE. Click the blue "Change to anyone with the link."  Then click on COPY LINK.
4.  Paste that link here, or click the folder, above top-right in this forum, and message it to me.  This is private and won't be shared.
*    Before uploading, right-click the folder, click PROPERTIES.  Look at the File Size to confirm that it's not too big for the free space on the server.

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Thanks for the prompt response!  I just finished uploading everything to the drive below


Here are 3 areas that I experience this for quick reference according to the preview in my vpj:

*** 0:01:38.279 to 0:01:41.181 (layered pngs. This one freezes after export.  Also ends here after my recent "upgrade" to 8.63)

** 0:01:44.214 to 0:01:47.176 (with previous v8.74, this single clip with video effects would be blank after export)

0:02:22.779 to 0:02:25.947 (with previous v8.74, this is the real ending where I try to green screen a title effect with other video effects.  Something freezes here also after import)

Thanks again!  Just want to make sure I have the most recent up-to-date program before I surpass my 6-month mark since my date of purchase.  

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Clever.  You spent considerable effort on this one.

After deleting what seemed to be superfluous green-screen (green block) effects in the 'blood' segment, a 1440 (2K) AVI/MPEG 4 codec output succeeded.  As did a 1080(HD) AVI export.  To my eye, both accurately rendered all effects, but you be the judge.

All tests were run on v8.77.  4K export didn't quite make itMy take is that the large files and numerous effects are bumping up against VP's 32-bit memory limits.  A 64-bit version is in the works (no target date). 

If only to speed up loading, consider deleting any files from the bins that are not being used. Then Save Project File AS with a unique # or name, so as to not overwrite prior versions.  Restart VP and under OPTIONS | DISK tab Clear Unused Cache Files.  Double-click the new VPJ which will then load the project with the minimum # of files.  Then export.

Sometimes a higher res can be achieved by breaking a project up into segments, exporting each and merging them for final export.

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Yes!  I did spend time;)  And what you've offered already is super helpful and much appreciated.  

The downloadable file is exactly how I want the effects to play out.  I sure did have a time with the tedious green on green from the "blood" pngs so I just altered the tone to appear slimy, I guess? Haha..  All else is perfect.  Now operating with v8.77 and giving it another go!

I'll share results soon!  

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  • borate changed the title to Exported file displays freeze or black (RESOLVED)

Hi I'm back, and I'm still kind of stuck.  If I may share, I know I did kind of a lot with the following but I wanted to see about this particular clip that kept rendering blank on my end.  You made it work perfect with your downloadable 1080.avi, and I'm still trying to figure it out.  To be more specific, it's Clip** at 1:44 (with the "fly" and added effects --> EXPOSURE, CIRCULAR BLUR, ZOOM) still blanks on me after export.  

I know you've already established that 4k mp4's will give problems, but I was curious to see how my VP would import since you showed me how to clear my bins and cache so here it is operating v8.77; all cache and bins cleared:

  • First, I tried to export a 4k, at 29.97 fps .mp4 and the initial freeze at clip*** surprisingly didn't freeze 100% for the whole clip anymore.  The video effects started to run better, however, I still got a short 2-second freeze blip at 1:39.... so the effects improved but were still choppy .  Clip** is still blank at 1:44 .  Clip* video effect with the title effect "Lake Greg Gory" now works with the SHAKE but the video clip beneath it still freezes at 2:23 behind the title effect.   We know that's done gone.
  • Next I tried to export at 1080p at 29.97 fps .mp4 and different story:  Clip *** with video effects and layered pngs worked smoothly, no delay, no freeze, no problem.  Clip ** is still blank at 1:44 Clip * is also perfect, runs smooth as it fades into title effect and ending with SHAKE.  2 out of 3 resolved right there.  
  • Same same when I tried  2k at 29.97 fps .mp4 sharing same results as above--> Clip*** is perf, clip ** still blanks black and clip * ends smooth.
  • Next I tried the export at 4k at 15 fps.AVI (fps by mistake) and 2k at 29.97fps .AVI and this time it regressed.  Clip *** froze, stuttered, and delayed effects.  Clip ** still blank and black,  and Clip * seemed delayed with its fade-in text title effect. Both 4k@15fps.avi and 2k@29.97fps.avi gave equal results of freeze and delays.  
  • Now with an imported 4k at 29.97 fps.AVI,     clip*** video effects didn't render at all.  It continued reeling but pngs flashed its presence only for a quick second before transition to next clip.  Clip ** still blank and black, and clip* delayed its text title effect again at the end. 

So far it's been concluded to this==> *1080p at 29.97 fps .mp4,  and *2k at 29.97 fps .mp4 and *1080 at 29.97fps .AVI have been the winners so far except for that "FLY" clip** that goes blank.  Your 1080.avi works and shows that clip perfectly, whereas mine still blanks..... so there's my current pickle.

You mentioned breaking the project into segments and exporting each of them together at the end so I'll have to try that next.   I thought maybe I could replicate what you did with the sample you posted.  Any insight as to why the "Fly" clip** stays blank despite my varying of resolutions?  

Also, yes please.  Would love to check out your upscale 4k version!

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First, suggest that you abandon 4K efforts.  That appears to be too much for program memory.  When the 64-bit incarnation appears this shouldn't be an issue.

Secondly, never have seen a problem with the 'fly',  either in HD or 2K.  The problematic areas here were the 'blood' scene and the ending clips;  they looked okay but were not precisely as programmed.  Yet they too did well in the exports mentioned above.  So don't have the answers for you, but perhaps someone else will chip in.

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  • borate changed the title to Exported file displays freeze or black
  • 9 months later...

After hours of work doing my final export, playing my export on my LED TV (or any other monitor) gets an image freeze (or go totally  black, or some colour), as soon as the "Video effects -> Crop" starts!

What am I doing wrong?

My VideoPad is on the latest version. = 10.54

. . . . and then it works perfectly for no reason , no change! This seems to be an unstable feature . . . and then it freezes again ?!?

Please help.

St B

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The best way to track this down is to let others run the project.  The process is easy, quick and can be done privately.  Just follow these steps...

  •     Back up --- With your project on the timeline, click on MENU at the top-left.  Click FILE|BACK UP PROJECT FILES TO FOLDER.  Choose a folder and SELECT FOLDER.
  •     Upload ---  Use a free server - Google Drive, MS OneDrive, etc.* - to upload the saved, numbered FOLDER.    Do NOT upload the individual VPJ or export file. 
  •     Get link --- Get a public link.  If using Google Drive click GET SHAREABLE LINK. If necessary change "restricted" to "anyone with the link can view" 
  •     Share ---     Click COPY LINK | DONE.  Paste that link here, or click the folder at the top-right of this forum to message it privately to me.  It won't be shared.

          *    Before uploading, right-click the folder, click PROPERTIES.  Look at the File Size to confirm that it's not too big for the free space on the server.

Also be sure that the video driver and Direct-X are up to date...   https://www.nch.com.au/kb/10265.html

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Hi Borate,

The video runs perfectly every time in the sequence preview window.  Problem now is that  it randomly did the image freeze or black screen thing on an exported video but after I went and checked what sits at that position on the timeline, (found the crop spec box and "x" out again), the problem disappeared without me doing anything. So, now I don't have a version that wants to do that again. 

Are there some things that I could look out for should I get it again? It seems to be sensitive for a certain condition.

Thanks for wanting to help.

St B

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Hi Borate,

I sent a message with the links

I included a 2nd link with two video exports showing the freeze on one and a 2nd where the screen goes total pink

The Intel page is bit confusing because it states latest Xe driver version as on date 14/5/2021

My machine was already on version on date 29/4/2021

DirectX is version 12 (latest)

Thanks for wanting to help.

St B

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Exports perfectly here, just as you programmed it, using either the 32- or 64-bit current 10.56 release.

For best efficiency, suggest not loading any clips that won't be used in the project, though that would not have caused your issues.

Your recent video driver should be good;  NVidia updates often.

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