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My subtitles do not export to VLC, Quicktime or Windows media players!


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Hi All- need HELP! I got my subtiles done on videopad. It looks great after I apply them to the original video in (videopad also). Then I export it all as an mp4 and the subtitles don't show up on any of the players:
VLC, Quicktime or Windows media player, or File Viewer. I am on a pc but my friend could not see it on his Mac either. WHAT AM I MISSING?




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Peculiar.  Tested here just now, subtitles looked fine in MPC-BE, which is similar to VLC.  When the sub window is opened are they all there?  What VP version?

Upload one of the projects that has the problem and we'll check it out.  This is easy, quick and can be private.  Don't upload the export - just the PORTABLE PROJECT folder, and link it here.

Follow these instructions... 


If it contains sensitive material link it in a personal message (PM).  Click the envelope above.  It won't be passed on or retained.  Use FILE|SAVE PORTABLE PROJECT AS, not simply SAVE PROJECT, and don't forget to get a shareable, public link - not one that is restricted.

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Yes..That's odd. All  S/T tested here worked fine with VP Version 8.45. All added subtitles played OK and exported OK and viewed OK in VLC

Upload project as suggested.

Assuming you used the S/T option in VP; did you click the Apply button after adding all the subtitles?  They will appear in the S/T preview window and appear OK  but not in the sequence preview until you do this. Nor will they export.

If you saved your S/T beforehand as an srt file and reloaded them you will still have to click Apply to make them visible in your project.


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