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How can I do Fake Camera movement?


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We would require more detail regarding what you mean by "Fake camera movement" . You can Pan and Zoom the image but only within the existing image frame.Certain effects like Rotation and flip can be applied. Checkout other Motion and Transform and some of the Artistic effects.



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The rationale is that we want to hide the fact we are using a stable camera to record the video (or tripod), by simulating movements as if the camera was held by a person.

Currently the method to do it manually is to use the Motion effect from Motion and Transforms:

  1. Drop the motion effect on the video.
  2. Scale to a little over 100%
  3. Every few frames move the center of the motion effect a few pixels here or there.

When played, the movie looks as if a person hand-held the camera, hence the name "fake camera movement".

What I wish would happen is for another effect or plugin that would save me the effort of making a manual change every few frames.

For more information, here are plenty of video manuals:



Thank you guys, I love videopad.

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