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Image doesn't export to the PC


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thats the project-


and I have the latest version 8.23

so, the file opens fine with every prograam , except VLC MEDIA PLAYER. There is a bug!

additionally, the upload straight to youtube is not working. if I upload 1080 quality. it gets stuck midway.

so there are few bugs to check.

thank you

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Unable to spot any problems in this project after exporting at default mp4 1080 settings.  Do not have VLC here, but playback in Windows 10 media player, Windows Movie and TV player and MPC-BE all were faultless.  You might try a different export format to see if VLC likes it better or reinstall that viewer.

As for YouTube, direct upload success can be spotty and often works best in the middle of the night (PST).  This is not a fault of VP and the issue is known.  The alternative is to export in a YT-approved format and use their uploader.

That said, direct uploads usually succeed here, as did your project... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oIJehgCe9qI

The latest release of VP is 8.32, as of this date.  Give it a try.  For licensed users upgrades are free for up to six months from purchase date.  After that, VP will continue to fully function but a fee will be required in order to register the newest.  Retain your old install file and registration info.

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Your project downloaded and previewed OK in VP 8.32

It exported also OK with the default mp4 1920 x 1080 HD settings but there was a noticeable  pause in the export at the points where each overlay image was encountered (judging by the export time values.)  These overlays were 1899 x 1065 pixels ... a rather unusual AR compared with the video clips on either side. It suggests that  these pauses occurred  because VP had to process each of these images to fit the default export settings of  1920 x 1080 HD causing a CPU usage of 100% and consequent slowdown at these points. I would suggest that all clips/images be incorporated as far as possible at the same AR.

In contrast to your findings and Borate's observation the exported mp4 played perfectly in VLC. I can't explain the difference. I can only suggest that it may be a codec problem and to load the K-lite codec pack and see if that makes any difference


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