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Manuvering / Decorating small rooms


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I was wondering if I was missing something - I'm using the trial software and trying to decorate a small pantry. Is there a way to make the walls temporarily invisible or lower them (visually only) so I can hang cabinets etc? Also is there a way to "walk" or move forward like thru a door into an ajoining room? Thank you for your assistance. Loving this software but these  manuvering issues may make me make another choice.

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The option that you would have to get a transparent wall, would be selecting the ¨Change wall view¨ option to locate in the right-hand menu, this would put the wall lower, so you can show the interior. Now about the other option, unfortunately, the program doesn´t have a feature that allows you to move through the house modeling, like a short video camera animation. 

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  • 1 year later...

In any case, there should be an option. I recently finished a renovation in the kitchen. The task was not easy. I have a very complex layout in the house and because of this there were many problems. I had to almost completely redo everything, which cost a lot of money. But if I hadn't used Planner5D, it would have been even worse. I think this will help you, explore all the possibilities of an advanced and easy-to-use 3D layout tool.

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  • 6 months later...

I used the 3D modelling software that designers use. They turned out to be very easy to use and saved on hiring a worker.I used the 3D modelling software that designers use. They turned out to be very easy to use and saved on hiring a worker. Since I was doing repairs in my apartment. It turns out that cleaning companies like emop or others are very convenient for human life. They came in and took out all the trash at home, all cleaned up to a shine and left. I am very lucky that I live at this age.

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