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Interlace problem


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I have an interlaced problem with this clip.

The source clip is from a DV pal camcorder and was filmed in 16:9 format. It seems from the preview that it needs first to be stretched to 16:9 to have the correct aspect ratio. 

I want to export it to Widescreen TV format, but the exported video is strongly interlaced. How to deinterlaced? I cannot find any setting.

I am running Win10 and have VideoPad v8.23. 

Attached a sample of my project in portable format. 


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Interesting that the source clip is 720x576 but loads as 1024x576.  Both preview and export at default settings display as wide screen, with no A/R change made.

To my eye there is some jag on the lawn edge but overall the clip looks quite acceptable.  Seems a bit smoother at TV Pal (768x576) but it's then letterboxed.

There is no interlace adjustment.

Check out the latest VP version.  If licensed, retain your current version installer and license code.


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The source clip was taken with an old Sony DV camcorder and a 16:9 mode was selected. This is probably why it loads at 1024x576.

I agree with you, with the default TV Pal settings there is no interlace problem, but I would like to get rid of the letterboxed.

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Hi Nat

Thanks for your suggestion. I tried your settings, but it still does not work for me. Export in still interlaced.

Also with the zoom I loose a big portion of the content. Not sure What you are trying to do.

Can you help me further or export the resulted portable project if it really worked for you?


A friend tried it with Adobe Premier and it worked without problem. The exported clip was not interlaced.

Looks like a bug in VideoPad 8.32 it this clip cannot be de-interlaced properly.



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  • Mlasy changed the title to Interlaced problem


"... Also with the zoom I loose a big portion of the content. Not sure What you are trying to do. .."

I cannot see why that should happen. As the project you sent (at least at my end ) is a 1024 x 576 .avi clip   and consequently  has  an AR of 16:9 . Adding a zoom (full frame) fixed at 16:9 probably wasn't needed but should result in exactly the same export AR. It was just to swap your Auto AR effect for one which does the same thing.  Removing your Auto AR effect had no effect on the clip in fact. As it stood It exported OK and looked reasonable..... This is a frame from the exported mp4 as seen in VLC....


This exported mp4 looked reasonably acceptable considering it may have been stretched before it was uploaded.

HOWEVER playing the downloaded  avi file in VLC showed evident interlacing of the image.....

VLC Image from avi file.jpg

A Portion of this frame  enlarged.......


So IMO it's not a VP problem.  In VP both preview and export were reasonably de-interlaced.

When you say you lost a big portion of the content, were you 16:9 zooming into a 720x576 clip. If you did that you would lose some of the image...(but zoom would leave it full frame.)

At the end of the day the result exported as an mp4 looked OK. The fact that the letterbox was activated is a default setting and made no difference in this case as letterboxing a 16:9 clip results in a 16:9 output. (If you get my drift. :))

BTW  Your downloaded file contained only two items.....C&N220080519-18.54.47.avi and the vpj file.




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Hi Nat,

Ok you convinced me. There is a way to remove this interlaced from the avi file I uploaded.

Now I just have to study and understand how you did it. Sorry I am still new to video editing.

Many thanks for your help.


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The avi clip  is 720 x 576  but display is stretched to 16:9 and is interlaced. It  plays OK in VLC when Video/De-interlace is switched to Auto or On and De-interlace mode is set to Auto.

Windows media doesn't deinterlace this clip and retains the 720 x 576 display.

VP de-interlaces this clip so it should export OK.



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So to resume.

If my goal is to export this clip to a 1024x576 deinterlaced format with a correct aspect ratio (which plays without interlaced in Windows Media player) it cannot be done with VideoPad as VP does not have the settings to deinterlace a clip. 

I just want to highlight that this can be done with other video editing software without problem. So it is possible.

I agree if this is not a VP bug, but for my point of view this is a is a huge restriction of VP.

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I'm not sure how VP deals with interlaced files  but I have to assume that interlaced videos/clips like the avi you uploaded are automatically de-interlaced by VP in the same way as VLC can do this automatically (if the option is set). WMP here still leaves the clip interlaced and at the presumably native AR  of 720 x 576. Are you saying that at your end WMP de-interlaces the clip?

"........goal is to export this clip to a 1024x576 deinterlaced format with a correct aspect ratio (which plays without interlaced in Windows Media player)........"

That should be simple.... although 1025 x 576 is not 16:9

  • Load the raw  avi clip to VP It will display at 16:9 and will be de-interlaced automatically.
  • Export in the required format with Resolution set at Auto Match Content (1024 x 576)

Mp4 export is de-interlaced at plays in VLC  correctly. The mp4 does not play in WMP here.

The .avi export at 1025 x 576 (TV Wide)  plays in VLC correctly as well as WMP correctly.

In effect, after exporting from VP the clip has been de-interlaced and shows no combing.

I've asked NCH if de-interlacing is performed automatically on such clips. (VP 8.32)



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Hi Devs

VP only de-interlaces this DV clip when exported to default TVpal settings.

If you try to export this DV clip to any other format or if you try to include this clip in another project (720p for example) it does not de-interlace.

DV Clip is included above. Please try it and verify the results with Windows media you will see the combing.

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  • Mlasy changed the title to Interlace problem

The girl on the bike clip was exported here using 8.32 as follows...

1024 x 576  mp4 @29.97

1280 x 720 wmv @29.97

1280 x 720 avi at 29.97

1024 x 576 wmv at 29.97

Then it was interspersed four times with the two clips below and exported as a 1024 x 720 mp4 ...

720 x 480 wmv at 30.00

1280 x 720 wmv at 29.97

In  no case was there combing.

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  • Mlasy changed the title to Interlace problem (RESOLVED)
  • borate changed the title to Interlace problem

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