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VideoPad running very slow with a single 5 hour file

Russ Croucher

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I'm using the 8.00 VideoPad.

I have one nearly 6 hour file that when I was editing it with VideoPad, VideoPad runs like 10 times slower than I have ever seen it run.  Normally, when I run VideoPad zooming in and out of the timeline task bar at the bottom is very fast.  But with this file it appeared to be about 10 times slower.  When I divided the file up into 2 pieces and load each piece in later it was blazingly fast.  So being the engineer that I am I decided to determine at what point it would run normally fast and what point he would run slow.  In the end, I found that if I just wrote the file without changing it lossless output it would store the file to a new name and then when I reloaded that new file it was blazingly fast.

What has confused me is this file was written with version v7.39 with just a slight audio time correction in lossless mode and I'm trying to determine why it would seem to be a problem being slower than normal.  I could provide this file as a bug but it's over get 6 GB in size.  I did notice in the lossless file size  the input of that 6 GB in just a few hundred bytes smaller in size of the new file.  Maybe the audio has something to do with it.  But I did not change that.

The file was collected with debut version v5 .49.  Then I change the audio/video delay by a few frames.  Any ideas?  Should I submit a bug request?

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