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How Can I Add A New Custom Column?


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I am trying to add a custom column (B) -Let's Call it "Persons" - that will multiply against the "Qty" - I'd Call this "Qty/Hrs" - column (A), and the "Unit Price" Column (C) for the constructioncompany that I manage.


I made a excel sheet that has it, which we've been using, but I'd like to move fully to NCH Invoicing Software. So, the reason for this is that I can multiply the amount of hours "x" that "y" amount of employees worked on a specific project, on which to charge the unit price of "z" amount of dollars per hour. 


For Example: 4 men worked 12 hours on a project on which each man was charging $35 per hour. To use the first figures, the (A) Column above would equal 12. (B) Column=4, and (C)=35. For a total of 1,680.


How can I add this column (B) which the "total" column would multiply?


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May I check that have Express Invoice updated to add a column for Unit Measurement (like pcs, hour, kg etc). Some invoices have a mixed products / services that measured by pcs, kg, hour etc.
By the way, is there a way to export the Invoice Order in csv or excel?

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