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problem exporting video in 7.0.5 - audio out of sync


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A couple of things here.

Firstly I thought you should know that your above link to 7.11 is blocked and flagged by Malwarebytes on my laptop?

Secondly I have just been reading back through a thread re 7.11 back in June which both you and Nat had input into.

Seems that there may be potential problems with that version albeit maybe of a different nature. So I think that I have already got enough problems to deal with and at least I now understand these problems although I can't really use VideoPad to produce an in sync MP4 in one pass.

I think for the time being I will continue with the somewhat tedious and finicky task of re importing the out of sync MP4s that I have already produced, (about 30) and trying to re sync them correctly whilst I wait for the next corrected version of VideoPad to be released.

Hopefully this will solve these problems

Thank you 


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Indeed, there are various glitches in different versions, though most folks won't encounter them.  VP is continually enhanced and improved, which is a plus.  But a negative with a short beta testing period is that bugs can slip by.  They are dealt with promptly when confirmed.

So suggest that you do run 7.02 or 7.11, which should allow you to deal with those VOB files without sync problems.  No sync issue here.  The Malwarebytes flag is a false-positive; that download has been tested here with no problems.

Normally a saved project can be loaded into other versions, though significant changes were made a few months back that limited some effects compatibility with projects created in earlier builds.

Check into this space for updates.

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On 11/3/2019 at 9:46 PM, borate said:

What export format?  What settings?

Though sync problems have cropped up from time to time, rarely have they been evident here - and that was a long while ago.

The best way to track this down is to let others analyze your project, just as you see it.  This isn't difficult. If it's a bug, the developers will fix it and you may receive a free license.

Here's how to share...  http://nch.invisionzone.com/topic/23659-tips-for-getting-help-on-this-forum/

If it contains sensitive material you can link it in a personal message (PM) to me, via the envelope above.  Be sure to FILE|SAVE PORTABLE PROJECT AS, not simply SAVE PROJECT, and don't forget to share it.

Hello! I recently downloaded the 7.50 free version, and I am having the same issue (the project plays perfectly when watched in the preview and is completely out of sync after it's exported).

This is the link to my project:


I would appreciate if you could or the developers could help me analyze it.


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Confirmed:  sync drifts in AVI output.  Should be fixed in the next version.  In the interim, use Mp4 instead.  There was a black flash (upon export) between the opening slide and first video,  which can be overcome by inserting a short blank, black clip at the head and transitioning from it to the slide.

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