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How to change default duration of texts?


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Hey there,


I searched about this before starting a new topic here but I wish to know how to change the default duration of texts. When I add texts, they always come in 3 seconds. I mostly need to change that but I'm hoping to learn if there is a way to change the default settings so that they don't come in with 3 seconds but instead 5 seconds for instance? Honestly I mostly need this since I use texts regularly but the same information is also needed to a degree with blanks. When I add blanks, the duration by default is 3 seconds again. Just hoping to learn if/where I can change that default 3 seconds duration?

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Think of texts as images. Follow Borates suggestion if you want to set them all the same. Note that any animated (e.g.scrolling) texts will play faster or slower as you alter the length of the image clip on the timeline or change the default value. You can also change the clip speed for individual text clips so they can be shorter or longer than the default, It's easier however if you simply drag the end of the clip left or right to make it shorter or longer.


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