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Hi Allison

That's the way to go...

Once the SCALE control window opens...AAA.jpg

In your case as you want to stretch the image horizontally, if you untick the Maintain AR box you can alter the Horizontal scale to stretch the image  to fill the screen. (Move the respective slider or enter a value in the box) You can monitor the effect in the Clip Preview window.  If you leave the box ticked the image will retain its shape (Aspect ratio) irrespective which control you alter. Offset will move the adjusted image Up/Down. The right hand side (the graph) enables you to set the effect you make at the red cursor line position and fix it with keyframes by clicking the small green + at the top. Moving the cursor along and resetting the values to something different and then making another keyframe etc. will animate the clip with your changes between the keyframes. Worth having a play with if you've never done it before. You can remove any effects made to the clip by clicking the small white x  on the blue bar associated with the particular effect. And just to finish, you can add multiple effects to a clip. e.g. Click the big green + and select Blur. (Under the Effects Filters section) You will now see  (in this case) both effects listed for the clip in question, the most recent at the top...


Load a clip or an image and have a play.

Hope this helps.


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