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Sound not playing


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Took me 5 hours to figure out the obvious: that the audio maddeningly won't play a sound if the "Clips" and "Clip Preview" tabs and Video Track are selected when the video and audio are unlinked. 

If NCH staff happen to be reading this, they might want to know that
-it was almost impossible to find how to register for the Discussion Forum
-both the NCH email seeking confirmation of the registration email address, and the email confirming successful registration, were sent to Spam by Gmail

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If UNlinked, and the CLIP PREVIEW tab is active, audio will play if you first click on the clip itself in the bin (top-left).  If SEQUENCE tab is active you will hear timeline audio, whether linked or not.

If GMail doesn't have NCH whitelisted, it's understandable why it filters to the spam bucket.  In GMail's settings create a filter for NCH/Videopad based on the FROM header in the message.  Confirm that mail from NCH is not blocked.

You do not have to register or sign in to this forum just to read threads.  To post to one, yes.

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50 minutes ago, borate said:

If UNlinked, and the CLIP PREVIEW tab is active, audio will play if you first click on the clip itself in the bin (top-left).  If SEQUENCE tab is active you will hear timeline audio, whether linked or not.

Thank you. I have the whole file, except for an added text clip, on the timeline and not in the bin at all; is that a bad idea?

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Every clip, of any type, that's on the timeline must first be in a bin.  Click the tabs above the bin to see its individual categories:  sequences, video files, audio files, images.

Click the + sign to the right of the tabs to create your own bin.

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Yes, the originals in the media bins are always complete.

That said, if you have trimmed one - from a bin and not the timeline - it will reflect that trim.  Files in a bin can be copied, each individually trimmed, then dragged to the timeline where only the area that hasn't been trimmed out will appear.  Or use the ADD button below the preview window.  Click its chevron to see the options.

Of course, trimming by dragging borders of a clip, or splitting and deleting portions, can be handled on the timeline.

Check this out.

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Another useful point is if you trim a clip in the bin and then place it on the timeline it will be on the timeline in its trimmed state. If you then select the same clip in the bin again, in the preview window it will show (obviously) that you have trimmed it but you can re-trim it and place it on the timeline in a new trimmed state. The first clip on the timeline will not be altered. In this way you can use the same clip over and over again  (if needs be) and have each trimmed differently.


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