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Question: Help with Advanced VideoPad - Sequence exporting, Transition creation, & Exporting tricks


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Hello, I'm a YouTube content creator and I enjoy using video pad for my general editing software. I just have a few questions for pieces I haven't been able to figure out for myself. Any references, links, video tutorials or general knowledge would be greatly appreciated & please reference the question you are answering so I don't get confused.


1. When creating multiple sequences (or multiple projects for that matter) , is there a way to have the second sequence start an export as soon as the first one finishes (automatically)? I'm not worried about the files getting mixed up as they have a timestamp when they're created.

2. Can you create your own transition effects, and if so how? (tutorials, links, general knowledge)

3. How do you export directly to your YouTube channel? I tried the general setup but it seems to fail, even though my channel is set up for videos longer than fifteen minutes and most of my videos are around the ten minute mark or less.

4. Is there a way to have more than one instance of VideoPad open at a time?



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Let me answer to your questions in the same order:

1- There is no automatic option to export once sequence after the other one has finished.

2- The only transitions the software offers are the ones you can find under the Transitions button. Currently there is no option to customize your transitions on the software.

3- Regarding the issues to upload videos to youtube, I just tested this and uploaded a video with no issues. Try login out of your Youtube account from any browser and from the program if you are automatically logged. After that select the option to export to Youtube and log in when the program prompt you to.

4- No, you can only have one instance of Videopad open at the time.

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