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Create Menu for DVD export


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Previously used video editing software allowed for creation of a DVD menu, including buttons to select various chapters. Pushing play would go through the entire DVD. Selecting one of the chapters started play at that various chapter. You had an option to go back to the menu after play, or continue play through the remaining chapters.


Using VP 4.11 and DVD Export asks if a menu is desired to be built using bookmarks as chapters. I marked the bookmarks, naming them with the intent that they would become chapter buttons on the DVD menu. To my surprise, the menu only has a play button, which starts the DVD playing at chapter 1 (what's the point of the menu?)..

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Is this the procedure that you followed?


If a sequence is going to be burnt as a video DVD, chapters can be added to the DVD by setting bookmarks.

  1. First, add bookmarks to your timeline:
    • Control-click the timeline at the position where you would like the chapter separator to be and select Set Bookmark.
    • Change the name and color of the bookmark if you like (this will not affect your DVD chapters), then click OK.
    • Repeat the above steps for every position you want to start a new chapter. Each bookmark will be used as a chapter separator.

[*]Second, choose to export your movie to DVD:

  • Follow the instructions in Saving, Sharing, or Burning a Video to burn a DVD.
  • A dialog will appear, asking if you would like to export your bookmarks as DVD Chapters. Select Use bookmarks as chapters.

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Thanks for the tips. I did setup bookmarks (2 in this particular instance), then exported to DVD. I used the menu as supplied. There is an option on it to customize the image on the menu, and an option to shift the text left, center, or right. There is nothing obvious to me about where to position the buttons for the bookmarks to appear. It'd be nice to have them on the DVD menu so you could start in a chapter/bookmark.


When I play the exported DVD, it start on the menu screen. The only option is to play the DVD. There is no indication that chapters exist on the DVD. Why name the chapters/bookmarks if the don't appear on the menu?

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In a test here, a control- or right-click on the timeline did not prompt for bookmark creation. So the SEQUENCE|PLAYER route was used.

Chapters were shown on the burned DVD, not as menu items, but instead as small vertical chapter lines.




So it appears that another burning program may be needed for more extensive authoring.

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Sounds like this might be something to submit as a suggestion for VideoPad. Seems desirable to me and the program that I used previously (Pinnacle) offered that capability back in the XP days. Do you agree regarding the submission?


Thanks again for the reply.

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