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Understaingin settings for Reverb and Compressor


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Please, tell me where I can find infomation for understaings settings controls for sound effects Reverb and Compressor in VideoPad


I tried to move them around and this is russian rulette... Sometimes I found combination, sometimes not... I want to use it by understanging what I am doing, like I use Curves for visual effects. I understand them and therefore always can do exaclty what I want to do.


Please, give me a link or some explanational tutorial what each setting is used for and how to understand their use in practical cases (with voice, with street sound and etc)

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Keyframes can be created by dragging the blue line up or down, but the scope of control you desire may not be available in VP. Here's what is...



A Dynamic Range Compressor limits the volume levels of a sound recording so that it stays within a certain loudness range.

An example of where it is used is in TV broadcasting, where it ensures that the volume levels of ads are perceived as being louder than the television program itself (without any change in the actual broadcast volume).

It also has a use for recording audio from one medium to another, where the two mediums are not capable of handling the same range of volume levels. e.g., A CD can handle a much greater range than a cassette tape.

The "Threshold" setting works by detecting when the sound recording volume exceeds a defined decibel level. It then gradually attenuates the sound to bring it down below the dB level, and does it in such a way that the listener will not be aware the attenuation is occurring.

The "Ratio" setting limits the amount the volume level of the recording increases at any one time. If, for example, you wanted the volume levels of a recording to only increase by at most 1/4 of the amount they would normally increase, then this would correspond to a Ratio of 4:1. So if the recording volume level increased by 8dB, then you would only hear a 2dB volume increase.

The "Limit" setting defines at what maximum decibel level the sound recording will be allowed to rise up to. So if, for example, the Limit was set to 0dB, then you will never hear the volume level of the recording get louder than 0dB. The Limit setting has similarities to the Threshold setting, but the main difference is that the Threshold does allow sounds to go above the defined decibel level (for a short time), whereas the Limit does not.

You will find that the minimum Limit volume you can set is the same as the maximum Threshold value. This basically means that, in any situation, the sound will start to attenuate at the threshold level, but will never be heard louder than the limit.



Reverb is many small reflections of the sound that come after a set time. It usually occurs when someone is speaking in a room, hall etc. More reverb is called wet, no reverb is called dry.

Use the menu Effects -> Reverb and enter the reverb level and time. The reverb level is the amplitude - 99 is very wet, 0 is dry. The time can be between 100 and 800ms - 200ms sounds like a small room or 800ms a large hall.

If you add too much reverb it can sound like the person is in a pipe or in the bathroom.



Some audio effects have a list of presets. Select a preset to quickly set all the parameters of an effect to some commonly used values.

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thank you for explanation of audio effects.


Now I understand that compressor makes all silent parts of recording sound louder.

And I got questions for understanding, please, tell me if they are yes or no.


About Compressor



Does setting Threshold to 0dB means no comression at all, no matter what ratio is, because icreasing zero means zero?



Do I correctly understand Ratios:


0 - 1:1 means NO INCREASE

1 - 3:2 means 67% increase

2 - 2:1 means 50% increase

3 - 3:1 means 33% increase

4 - 4:1 means 25% increase

5 - 5:1 means 20% increase

6 - Limit means 100% increase (double)



If we aleays want to hear clear sound without overdistortion, does it mean that I shold never touch Level settings and always should keep it to zero?



It is impossible to see sound graph change after effects applied and the only way is to export it, and load it and see what happend to the graph. So, can you tell me shortcut at this example, if I want to double these part, what way of thinkging should I use to find out what Threshold and Ratio to set?




About reverb



What is the diffrence between reverb and echo effects in VideoPad? I see the both have gain (amplitude, wetness, dryness) and delay (size of room, the more delay, the more room is).



Default decay time for Reverb is 1000 msec, accoring to your infomation this means quite big hall. Why I get the same result for default 1000 msec decay, but for diffent Diffusion settings: 0%, 25%, 50%, 75% and 100% - sound it completely the same?



Why I get strong reverb effect with Decay 1 ms, Diffusion 1%? It is almost zero settings, but effect is very strong when I apply it to dry incoming sound of speech, recorded in no reverb room with directed microphone.



There is visual settings called Opacity (or transparency). That is its analog in audio settings reverb - decay or diffusion?



What is the diffrence between Wet Signal Gain and Dry Signal Gain? Maybe they mean gain before reverb (Dry) and after revern (Wet)?



PS. By the way, can you please, tell us how people increase some spector and decrease the other spector of sound to make speach louder and to make sound of streen more quiet


Or like in this example: is there way to make nosize of swing lowder and the sound of cars on streen quieter???



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PS. By the way, can you please, tell us how ... to make speach louder and to make sound of streen more quiet

Or like in this example: is there way to make nosize of swing lowder and the sound of cars on streen quieter???


You are searching something like (audio) noise removal plug-in/effect . Compressor is something totally different ...

There is no such thing here . You can process the audio file with (free) Audacity and bring it back here again ...


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