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Copy and Paste Clips within a Sequece


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When I try and paste (insert) a video clip between an existing split in the video sequence I always end up with a sliver piece of video.


I am unable to paste (insert) a video clip at the exact point of an existing split. I can't put the cursor exactly at the split point. Because of this I always end up with a tiny sliver of a video clip.


I want to be able to paste (insert) a video clip as to insert it at an existing split so it pastes at the end of the clip on the left and the beginning of the clip on the right.


Not sure if I am making sense..


My sequences keep ending up containing multiple micro-second video clips that I have to zoom way in to be able to delete.



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Check the "Options" tab under "Media" and check that VP asks you where you want a clip to be added. Select "Ask me"


If it is a matter of a split you have just made, keep the red cursor line at the split point. Select the clip to insert by right clicking it in the media list and then select "Place on Sequence" and then "Place on sequence at the cursor".


If it is a split you made previously, grab the clip to insert from the media list and drag it along the sequence line. The yellow arrowed line will "jump" to the split when you get it close. Release the clip when it snaps to the split line.

It should not leave a sliver of clip.


Normally you can simply drag and drop a second clip to the timeline onto a clip already there and position the yellow arrowed line to the point of insert and then release the insert clip.


However, if it is a matter of simply adding a clip cleanly at a particular point of the video and the subsequent portion is not required.

Drop the second clip onto the overlay track and drag it to the point where you wish it to start. If the lower track is longer than the overlay then split it at some point further on and remove the right hand portion. The overlay clip will play smoothly from the point you have chosen.





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