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opacity problem


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In the old version of Videopad I could go to change effects and alter the opacity of the video easily so the video faded in and out as I wanted. I cant seem to be able to do this in the latest version - anyone tel me how to do it? I dont just want fade in / out points at the end.


Also when I imported a video sequence created in the older version to the new one, at the end of each clip, the clip fades as I set it too, but then a freeze frame of the last frame appears for a split second - this happens at the end of each clip and I cant get rid of it. Any suggestions?



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In version 3.29.

First of all load the clip to the Media list and then drag and drop (or place) the clip onto the sequence track.

Right click the clip to select it

Click the video effects tab on the tool bar and then the "Add Effects" tab.

Select the "Opacity" effect from the list

Your clip will now preview in the effects window with an Opacity% slider on the left and a keyframe box to the right with a blue line representing the opacity and a red cursor line.


For a simple fade in....

Set the cursor line to the left of the box by dragging the blob at the top of the line. (The movement is reproduced in the preview pane)

Now drag the slider to the left to show 0% opacity.

Click the green cross to set the first keyframe; an orange square will appear on the blue line.

Now drag the cursor along to the left a suitable distance for your fade in. The orange square will go green.

Slide the opacity cursor to the right now to show 100% opacity and fix a second keyframe by clicking the green cross again.


You can repeat (or start) this procedure anywhere along the clip with as many opacity changes as you wish. You don't have to start at begining of your clip as described here. A fade out at the end is the reverse of a fade in....opacity starts at 100% and reduces 0% at the end of the clip. You use the red cursor bar to specify where your opacity effect is to start or finish and the slider to determine the degree of opacity.


You can also directy drag and drop the keyframe blocks onto the blue line as and where you wish. Simply right click the line to create a keyframe point and drag it to where you want.


VP will update the sequence line as you work and on closing the effects window the sequence green bar will complete the registering of the efeect.


The image that appears at the end is, apparently, a bug. I haven't checked but it may have been fixed in version 3.29



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This was definitely a thing we noted in an earlier version.

Anyway, I have just checked this way of fading with version 3.29.


With a single clip on the timeline and an opacity fade to 0%, I don't see any frames at the end of the preview with VP 3.29. It fades out to black seemingly OK. (There is no blank black frame following the clip by the way


Adding a blank frame made no difference. It seemed to work perfectly.... :unsure:...No bright image frame.


Pulling the cursor bar along the clip in the effects window shows the chequred image developing until it is complete (0%) and then a black frame.


It may be that the "image" effect was inherited with the earlier version.


I would suggest placing the clip in question on the main sequence with the opacity fade but with a black frame positioned over the end of it on the overlay track. Positioned correctly it will "cover up" the end frame.


What happens when you use the "Fade" transition with the clip instead of the Opacity effect?

If the "image" is still seen, you could try pulling in the end of the clip a little to the left to eliminate it.



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Thanks for the replies.


Nat, I am using version 3.29. I'm nor getting a black blank frame at the end of the clip, I'm getting visible part of the clip showing for a few frames. I've tried to pull in the end of the clip to get rid of it as you suggested but it is still there.


Is there a way I can upload the file for you to see what I mean?





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