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Phantom text


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Here's my problem with Video Pad:


I did a little piece, about 16 min. long, edit ton and picture - NP. Then I wanted to put some text on top of it, so I chose from CLIP - Add Text. I started writing but when I add it, I didn't like it and I wanted to erase everything. I simply couldn't find it anymore. I did new text file. New text was fine and I position it where it belongs on the time line. All that was great except old text, although it was not listed as file under IMIGES TAB, nor it was visible on the time line was keep on popping up in the very beginning of my little project. I can not erase it. I do not know where to go or what to do



Please, help

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Referring to version 3.29

First I have to assume you have added your text images to the overlay track. :mellow:

On the main screen in the Media List window....what does say next to the title on the Images tab?

There should be a number in brackets indicating the number of images in the bin.

If you have deleted the first text image and added another it will say (1) but if both text images are there it should say (2)

(You should, of course see two images in the bin...which you say is not the case.) :mellow:


Try zooming in on the timeline. Use your mouse wheel to zoom in and then grab and delete all text blocks you can see on the overlay track.

Play through your timeline from the start and stop when the "ghost appears. This will give you a more precise position of the "defect"

A this point check Video Track 2. If there is a file there (zoom right in) ....delete it.


Note You can delete a text image from either the timeline or from the bin



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I would love to show you picture of the screen, just, it looks like I can't do it over here since I can't find button to upload my picture...


Did all the above. What could I say? Even when I turn off all my video tracks, that text remains on the black screen in the preview.


BTW version that I have is 3.14

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OK may be a fault with the version, (and in that version the number of files in each bin will not be shown.)

You say that the "phantom" text has a black background?... This must be as seen in the right hand (sequence) preview screen.

This suggests that the text "image" is placed above a blank black frame positioned onVideo track 1.

So... Is there a black frame on Video track 1?

Where is the red cursor bar when the ghost text appears?

Check the overlay track (Video track 2) for anything at this pont.

If the overlay track is really empty and you are still getting that text then it is most likely to be a bug in that version.


The main video doesn't have any text on it by any chance..........?


Therefore I suggest.....

Click on "Options" and then click "Clear all the cache files on exit."

Close VP and then reopen it.

Load your saved project. If all the constituent files are in the same place on the PC, the project will load back OK, but will take slightly longer than normal.

Now check if it is any different.


If it is still there now... :o I would suggest going to the NCH site and downloading version 3.29 (Save the setup.exe ) and load your project into this..it should load OK.



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My dear friend,


Yes, while I was waiting to hear from you I updated my version to 3.29 With new version old project is still the same.


I zoomed in to the last step and still there is nothing there. Like I said, I turned off all three tracks ( eye button ) and text is still there over black. Then I turn on tracks one by one and you can see how layers of the frame pop up one after another, under that text, what leads me to conclusion that text is beyond tracks. I even bookmarked space on time line where text is, split between bookmarks and cut out everything ( all three video/audio tracks ) When new picture gets in place where I cut out - text is still there. Too bad that I can't upload screen shot that I have...

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Sounds odd! :mellow:


Might you have placed the text on another overlay track that is above the zone you have visible for all the tracks....say track 3 or track 4? These can be covered if the preview windows are made larger. You can use the small scroller to see, or pull up the preview panes with the 5 dots underneath.

Just a thought.

Of course if there isn't a text image in the image bin tab then I can't see where it is coming from. :(

How many text images have you in all?



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Not done it myself, but I think you have to upload your image to a website first and then click the square in the toolbar here in the "write" window and then enter the URL (web address) of the image you want to appear.............I think!






Well I just did it....The Moon pic is one of mine I posted to a site on the web. I just right clicked it and took the URL from the properties and pasted it into the box supplied by the forum window.



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So you can upload an image of the VP screen with the ghost text like I just did with my moon shot, but first... you say you have 3 text and one blank.

Click the "Image" tab in the media list......what is there?...Should be 3 text and one blank. The actual tab in 3.29 should be labelled "Images(3)"


Anyway, whatever the bin contains, delete them all so the bin is empty (apart from any jpgs of your own). Now... is the phantom text STILL there when you play the sequence? With the image bin empty there should be nothing now seen.

If it is STILL there, it's either part of your sequence clip and can't be removed without cutting your clip or there is a bug in the program. (However 3.29 should be relatively bug free.)



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Well, IMAGE didn't really work for me, but I'm afraid that I can proudly report some kind of bug: What I did, I started to remove clip by clip to see when the phantom text will disappear, and to my amazement, I deleted all video clips and it was still there. When I wanted to remove last video track from VP, of course, didn't let me since that was "You can't delete last audio or video track". Then I started removing audio clips and subsequently tracks and only when I remove last audio clip everything went to - empty.


Thank you for your help. Looks like I have to re-do everything from scratch.



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