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Scrolling text not working


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In versions 3.xx the scrolling text is disabled. This may be a bug or oversight (probably the latter) or NCH have simply kept the option in but inactivated it as you now have to use the Motion effect to scroll the text. In effect you are scrolling the overlay Image that you create when you develop your text.


Ignore the scroll command and leave it as "None"


Having develeoped your text it will be present under the "Images" tab in the media list.

Drag this "Image" from here and drop it onto the overlay video track where it will appear as a "Text Clip"

If it is not blue or "selected" (should be) left click it.

Now left click the "Effects" tab on the toolbar.

Click "Add effect"

Select "Motion"


In this example we are going to scroll the text up the screen. This involves only the Y axis.


Check that the blue blob on the red cursor line is positioned fully to left in the boxes with the blue lines. (i.e. to the start of the clip)

Set Position Y to 100% by sliding the slider fully to the right. Click the green cross to fix the position of the blue line for Position Y.

This is keyframe 1

Grab the blue blob and slide the red cursor fully to the right (i.e. to the end of the clip.)

Now set Position y to 0% by sliding the slider fully to the left. Click the green cross to fix the position of the blue line for Position Y.

This is keyframe 2

In effect you have now created 2 keyframes between which the position of the image (your text) will move from the bottom of the screen (100%Y) to the top of the screen (0%Y)

Click the < (Play) button under the display to see the effect.

Click "Close" and play the sequence line preview in the right hand pane.

Your text will scroll from bottom to top.


By using a combination of Position X, Position Y ,Rotate and Scale you can make your text move about in innumerable ways. This example only uses 2 keyframes but you can develop numerous keyframes for each motion property (they don't have to be lined up as each is independant) and create very complex movements.

It's not confined to text, the effects can be applied to any overlaid image or video.



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I just installed 3.12 and everything seems to work, with one exception. I can add static text and it shows fine. But when I change the scrolling option from none to any other value the preview windows becomes empty and I get no text anymore.


Humm... works here, in 3.10, as always. Did you click APPLY? If still no joy, do it Nat's way.

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Hi Borate and bzuitgeest


"In versions 3.xx the scrolling text is disabled. This may be a bug or oversight (probably the latter) or NCH have simply kept the option in but inactivated it ..........."


What I stated here is partially incorrect :( as following your post I have just tried out all the scrolling text options in version 3.10 .


My comment was based on the idea that bzuitgeest wanted to scroll his text from bottom to top which is the option I tried out and for which I quoted the alternative steps for..


In fact Bottom to top is the ONLY text scrolling option on the list that failed to actually work hence my comment! All the others, in fact did work as I have just discovered.


Oddly, even though no bottom to top scrolling occurred during the preview, the thumbnails in the RH preview screen showed the text at different points up the screen.


If you can confirm this, it still does show that there seems to be a bug in there. (Sorry about that :mellow: )





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My comment was based on the idea that bzuitgeest wanted to scroll his text from bottom to top which is the option I tried out and for which I quoted the alternative steps for.. In fact Bottom to top is the ONLY text scrolling option on the list that failed to actually work hence my comment! All the others, in fact did work as I have just discovered.


All four operate as advertised (3.10) here - even bottom to top, tested with several fonts. ???

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Hi Borate


How very odd.... V3.10 rechecked with centrally placed text.....


No scroll..............Text stationary in middle of screen

Top to bottom..... Text scrolls down screen OK

Bottom to top.......Text scrolls up screen

Left to right...........Text scrolls left to right

Right to left...........Text scrolls right to left


Works with text fixed bottom centre as well....


Very bizarre :mellow: :mellow: :wacko: It seems to be working now!


Wait....Just loaded 3.12....same clip and same text....

Text image in media list initially OK but went blank when a scroll tried - just a chequered rectangle but when No scroll was selected the text reappeared??? When any of the scrolls was selected, the thumbnails went blank as well and none of the scrolls worked!


Just repeated this with a new text. (in red)

Image in media list is OK with text visible.


>/<>*^%$£"....Just brought VP to the front after writing that last bit....text in media list thumbnail has disappeared...just a chequered rectangle...haven't even tried a scroll yet!! The text is still in the edit window :huh: No text visible anywhere apart from here. (Scroll bar is centred on overlay text box. <_< before you ask)

Tried a third text..........I now have three BLANK chequered rectangles in the media list :huh: ...and blank chequered rectangles for all the thumbnails :huh: andapart from the edit box, no text anywhere , even in the preview thumbnails :huh: ??


I give up! :D


At least 4.21 works!



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