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New to Videopad.. Time lapse question


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Downloaded Videopad and have been playing around with it for a couple days. I was wondering if someone can assist me in the steps for combining multiple images into a time lapse video. Or, perhaps direct me as to where I can find the information.

I have searched this forum, the web and the Videopad help but have been unable to find the information.


Thanks in advance for any help.

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Downloaded Videopad and have been playing around with it for a couple days. I was wondering if someone can assist me in the steps for combining multiple images into a time lapse video. Or, perhaps direct me as to where I can find the information.


If this is a continuous clip that you want to time-lapse, one approach would be to drop it onto the timeline and split it multiple times at equal intervals - choosing an appropriate segment length to achieve the desired lapse.

Then hold down <cntrl> and left-click every other clip. Finally, right-click and choose "delete."

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Thanks for responding borate.

Actually there are about 3000 individual images that I need to put together to make a time lapse video.

I set my GoPro to take time lapse and it takes individual images that then have to be put together in the timeline and saved as a movie.

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Thanks for responding borate.

Actually there are about 3000 individual images that I need to put together to make a time lapse video.


If you transfer the images to the PC, then VP should be able to load them - although 3000 may be too much for it??? This may even be possible directly from the camera or card.


In VP click the ADD FILE button (top-left), locate the directory (folder) that contains the image files, click inside its window and then select them all with <ctrl-A>.

They should populate the media area (to the left of the preview/clips window).


Select all the clips and hold down the left mouse button as you drag them to the timeline.

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As Borate mentions, 3000 is a lot of images, however BEFORE you try loading them click the options tab and set the default image display time to 0.1 seconds (or a similar short interval to achieve your time lapse effect.) otherwise each will display for the default time (5 seconds). If you dont do this before you load the images you will either have to start again or change each one individually whilst in Storyboad mode.


Also, if your images are numbered....then I think they will come up in the list as 1,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,2,20,21 etc.

i.e. selecting them all and placing on the sequence line in one go will put the images 2-9 in the wrong place. You will have to drag 1 first, then 10-19 then 2 then 20-29 etc. .......and remember also to set the default (under Options) to place them onto the end of the sequence.

Anyway you can try our hints and see what you get.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Thank you for your responses.

Sorry it's taken so long to reply. I just now got to a place with internet access.


I ended up processing only a thousand images at a time but things worked out great.


Nationalsolo- I had set the default image display time to 0.1 in general settings, but for some reason it would not take. Ended up closing everything and restarting the computer to see if that would help and sure enough when I opened Videopad the new display time settings took.

Image numbers-- Thanks for reminding me to keep an eye on the sequences. I use to be a photographer and that was just second nature but I had forgotten about that. Everything was fine in this case with the GoPro file numbers.

Funny the things you forget when you haven't done something in a while.


All in all I really like this Videopad application for what I have done so far.


Thanks again

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