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Limited text issue in text-clips

Martin Siemensz

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Hi everyone!


i was extremely happy to have found VideoPad, as it gives me the ops i want for

editing home videos like i want, after some discouraging experience with other apps.


But today i hit a limit... I use Text-clips to add storynarration (i know, pretty old-fashioned),

but it seems that the clips are limited to a certain ammount of characters/lines per clip...?

After 5 lines my text gets cut/crippled, regardles of how big i set my fonts. This also happens

if i let the text scroll, whitch makes scrolling pretty pointless...right?


I am thinking of editing the text in a separate programm->save as image->enter to VideoPad

but this i a pretty big hassle in comparsion to editing in VideoPad.


So here´s my question:

Is there any option to ajust the max character count per Text-clip?

Or any sugested workarounds?



Best regards from Berlin, Martin Siemensz


PS: i use VideoPad v 3.04 Unlicensed Basic Free Version

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Hi again,


i just stumbled upon the v3.04 release notes, quoting:



Text clips and subtitles are no longer limited to 260 characters. There is no limit now.


Whell, is this wrong, or is it just the limitation of the free version i am experiencing above? <_<


Regards, Martin Siemensz

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In 3.04(1) I don't think you are limited to the number of lines of text which can appear, but the more there are and the longer any line is will set a limit on the position and font size you can usefully use to ensure it fits the screen.


As an example I have just set up 11 lines of text, the longest being 50 characters.

In order to get this to fit the screen it had to be positioned left central and have a font size of 5....


Errr....You aren't using the subtitles tab by any chance?? :mellow:.......... :unsure:


Any way...For text.....

Click the "Add Text" tab on the toolbar and in the window that comes up type your text. Although you can fill the box, it is best to keep to about a dozen lines or so, as otherwise you will have to reduce the font size quite a bit to get it all in on the screen and the text may end up being too small to read.


Click the "Add" button and then drag the text overlay image to the first free overlay track.

Move the red cursor line until it is over the text box on the sequence line.

On the right you will see your text overlaid on the main clip but probably too large. So.....


Left click the overlay text to select it and in the left preview window click the big T

If you have quite long lines of text then move it all left by clicking the "Align left" icon in the position matrix.

Now reduce the font size by clicking the up or down arrow until your text looks as you want it in the right hand preview pane.


You can adjust the starting position and duration of the text by dragging the box to where you want it to start and then pulling out the right hand end to where you want it to finish.


You can set up 20 lines of text with a font size of 4 and still be just usable

You can set up 30 lines of 63 characters with a font size of 3.........Thats about the usable limit ! :blink:



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Hi Nat,


First of all thank you verry much for your reply!


i am clear about the formating of the text, as in font size respective to the Framesize. :)


And, nope, i was not using subtitles :D


Before i red your post, i used to "Add Text"->ok and then insert/edit the text in the box

under the frame window. Now i tried a different approach: I inserted/edited the text in

the "Add Text" window, hit ok and all is fine. That is, if i don´t touch the text again in the

edit box under the frame window afterwards. If i do this, my text gets crippled as before... <_<


If it makes sence, i´ll make a screen cap video of the behaviour... But i am still unclear

if this is a free version cripple or a bug in this release...


What version of VideoPad do you use?


Best regards, Martin

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I use both versions (2.41 and 3.04(1)) which I can easily alternate between. Depends on what features I want to use. 3.04, for example has the Text screen option, which I have used with some projects. (2.41 just has subtitles which do work with certain limitations.


In general with version 3.04, I enter and edit the text in the large "Add new text" window and when I think it looks OK I swipe it all and "Copy" it.

Once it is added to the sequence then you can alter the size and justification etc and monitor the result in the right hand preview pane. If it's not exactly correct I usually just delete the clip entirely from the sequence, re-open the text window and then "Post" the text back to it and try again.


OK. ... It's probably the best way to do it but the three line box under the preview pane is a bit small.

and as you say, altering the text IN THIS BOX CAUSES TEXT FORMATTING PROBLEMS


Perhaps NCH could take a look?



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Changing the text in the tiny three-line-high text box will no longer cause the text to be truncated in the next release (version 3.10 coming soon).

Would it be better for you if that tiny text box were larger? What if it opened another dialog (as large as the "Add New Text Clip" dialog)? I'll look into it for you.



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"(2.41 just has subtitles which do work with certain limitations."


Ooops! My mistake. :huh: Of course 2.41 has a full window add text or image option...Its under the overlay green cross...(Just been using it :unsure:)


"Would it be better for you if that tiny text box were larger? What if it opened another dialog (as large as the "Add New Text Clip" dialog)? "


Opening another dialog page (or the original) containing the text to alter would be a useful change.





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Hi Connor,


Changing the text in the tiny three-line-high text box will no longer cause the text to be truncated in the next release (version 3.10 coming soon).

Would it be better for you if that tiny text box were larger? What if it opened another dialog (as large as the "Add New Text Clip" dialog)? I'll look into it for you.




It would be awesome if the "tiny three-line-high text box" would be ajustable in size, like most areas in the GUI.

It would also be verry convenient if it would accept the mouse scroll wheel to scroll the text!

I guess that the option to open another dialog box would be good, if combined with the above features.

I like the "tiny three-line-high text box" as it shows the text change immediately, what would probably

not be the case in a popup dialog...



Thanks & greets, Martin

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Hi Martin


You can alter the size of the three line box in a limited way by dragging out the preview panes horizontally. You will see more letters across the window but it's still only three lines. The idea of returning to a full size text box containing the text in question is quite a good one.



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HI Nat,


i am aware of the (limited) drag-sizing option, but as we know it´s

not really helpfull with it´s limitations and the text truncating bug...


But i would like to higlight the benefits of a drag-sizeable & bug-free

text box, as the real-time updating function is verry useful in direct

editind and formating.


I think that it would be counterintuitive and overcomplicating the

"text item" function to work in three ("add text" window, edit box,

"font size&style box") separate windos/areas.


I would propose to merge all theese functions in one embedded

area, specifically in the "edit text box" under the Video Frame.


Best regards, Martin

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